I don’t remember what I was doing at 22 but I was pretty sure life was terrific then with youth on my side. I probably had nary a care in the world and was bumming through my days in university. I was dating a…
It’s the sound of music!
It’s time to start the kids on their music journey. We’ve been waiting for Ben and Becks to turn 5 and 4 respectively, and since it’s going to be happening this year, we thought we’d begin. A family friend gave Ben a recorder on…
My ability to cope with stress is amazing. Amazingly non-existent, that is. I hyperventilate on a daily basis and I think my blood pressure shoots up by a few notches whenever I do that. I yell and fluster whenever I feel that I have…
The Kao kids on the loose (and reined) at Candy Empire
I’m the kind of mother that throws away sweets in my kids’ goodie bags and ration M&M’s. It’s usually 10 M&M’s for Ben, 10 for Becks and 5 for Nat, and they can only have chocs twice or thrice a week. Most of the…
She’s probably the most famous cat in the world, and one with the fattest bank account, with product range extending from stationery and accessories to toasters and home appliances. She’s entered every possible market from jewellery to aircraft to themed restaurants and more recently,…
Bill Martin Jr, Eric Carle and my two-year-old
After serving as excellent readers for Ben and Becks who can almost say them out by heart, these bear books are now keeping Nat company whenever Ben and Becks are in school when he has nothing to do. Nat and I are reading the…
Steady progress at Eye Level (+ trial passes giveaway!)
Ben and Becks have been learning at Eye Level Learning Center for three months now, and I’m really happy with the kids’ progress in Math. Actually, I’m also happy to be outsourcing this to their patient and caring teachers and get some time to…
Washi-ful, AMAZING fun with 3M Scotch® Expressions Tapes
I’ve stayed away – and kept the kids away – from washi-tapes for a long time. You know, those cute Japanese masking tapes typically made from natural fibres from the bark of trees that are native to Japan, yea those. They are super expensive,…
A post (finally!) on girls and dolls [Part 2]
So I gave in and bought my daughter her first Barbie doll, and this is the post to explain why. Last week we were invited by Mattel to celebrate 55 years of imaginative play with Barbie®, the world’s most popular fashion doll. When I…
A post (finally!) on girls and dolls [Part 1]
I have kept my little girl away from Barbie dolls for as long as I could. Trust me, I’ve made her play with gender-neutral toys for as long as possible and even wanted her to rough it out with her brothers when they wrestled…