(Self) Examination Milestones and growing up The Kao Kids

A post to say I love you, and thank you

March 26, 2014

My ability to cope with stress is amazing.

Amazingly non-existent, that is.

I hyperventilate on a daily basis and I think my blood pressure shoots up by a few notches whenever I do that. I yell and fluster whenever I feel that I have lost control. I have an incessant need to be in control all the time.

Which is why I think it’s a pretty tough thing being my kid. It’s really not easy living with Mama who’s pretty much all flailing arms and high-screechy-pitched mad on any given day.

And I think my kids are doing an amazing job loving and accepting me as mom despite some of the terrible things I subject them too, like SO MUCH hollering, threatening and explosive outbursts. They love me with no questions, no judgement and no conditions. Every day – whether a good one or bad – they still want me and would unconditionally forgive me and love me for who I am.

I’m a blessed mother because of these children in my life, I tell you. I am grateful to be experiencing kindness and goodness in its purest from these people every day.

Motherkao's most precious

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  • Reply Summer March 27, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    Awww Liz, you are a much more amazing mum than you think, I think you are awesome!!! But yesh, I totally agree with the pure goodness and love part from the kids, and how they forget and forgive us just too easily. Phew. Hope things will get better for you soon, sending you our love!

    • Reply MotherKao March 27, 2014 at 12:06 PM

      Thanks, Summer! đŸ™‚

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