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The Kaos here drink milk!

August 28, 2013

The Kaos in the house guzzle milk. And I mean guzzle. We drink as much as 6 litres of fresh milk every week, sometimes even more.

Fatherkao adds fresh milk to his coffee and Milo. I add it once every few days to some Earl Grey tea if I don’t get my daily bubble tea fix. Ben and Becks drink milk fresh from the carton every morning at breakfast, every afternoon with snacks and every night before they go to bed. And I’ve not even introduced Nat to fresh milk yet. I think when he finally joins the fresh milk drinking club, we’ll have to kidnap a cow.

And for a couple of years now, we’ve been drinking Greenfields. (If you ask me why we switched, it was simply because Starbucks uses it.)

Drinking Greenfields

Ben and Becks drink Greenfields Fresh Milk before they head to kindy every morning – and they love Greenfields Chocolate Malt best!

Originating from Indonesia and established in 1997, Greenfields milk does not include additives, chemicals, antibiotics and hormones. Fresh milk from Greenfields is single-pasteurized, which means more nutrients are retained. Their milk is also produced, pasteurized and packed within the dairy, and Greenfields’ integrated dairy farm based at Gunung Kawi (Malang, East Java) is of the highest quality and meets the world’s toughest microbiological standards.


The Greenfields Integrated Dairy Farm at Gunung Kawi

I like the idea that the dairy farm is kinda like it’s next door, compared to milk that has to travel a bit longer than Indonesia to reach us, like those from Australia or New Zealand; which means when Greenfields call their milk ‘fresh milk’, theirs is kinda fresher than those dairy farms which are further away.

Greenfields produces Honest Milk, and we like that it is fresh and safe for our family, and that it tastes great too.

Besides our daily affair of guzzling milk by the cartons, fresh milk is often a key ingredient for my cooking and baking. It’s a must-have in our ham and chicken Alfredo, clam chowder, sliced fish soup and curry chicken – because it’s way healthier than coconut milk and evaporated milk – and is one of the essential ingredient for my cupcakes and pound cakes which I bake for the kids for their breakfast and tea.

I recently made Hot Milk Cake with Greenfields’ High Calcium Low Fat Milk, which was a hit with the kids. This simple, classic pound cake is so easy to make and so yummy to have. Trust me, you will wow your kids with this recipe.

Hot Milk Cake (Recipe yields 12-16 servings. Half the recipe if you don’t need so much, but it’s pretty addictive so making more is always a good idea!)


  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups caster sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2-1/4 cups all purpose flour / plain flour
  • 2-1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1-1/4 cup 2% milk (I use Greenfields 1.3% Low Fat Milk)
  • 10 tablespoons unsalted butter, cubed (about 150g)


1) In a large bowl, beat eggs on high speed for 5 minutes till you see them turn a thick lemon colour. Gradually add sugar and beat till mixture is light and fluffy. Beat in vanilla.

2) Combine sifted flour and baking powder and gradually add to the batter. Beat at low speed until smooth.

3) In a small saucepan, heat milk and unsalted butter under low heat until butter is melted. Gradually add to batter and beat until just combined. (That’s why it’s called ‘Hot Milk Cake’!)

Hot milk cake with low fat milk

Hot milk cake ready for the oven!

4) Pour into a greased or lined baking pan and bake at 175°C for 30-35 minutes or until toothpick inserted near centre of cake comes out clean.

5) When the cake’s cool, slice and enjoy!

Hot milk cake baked

Freshly baked yumminess

Slice and enjoy

Slice and enjoy!

What a way to load up on the calcium I say, with fresh milk every day and milk in our food and desserts!

Greenfields Milk is available at most supermarkets at $5.95 for their 2-litre bottle (all except at FairPrice), $3.25 for their 1-litre pack and $1.50 for a pack of 200ml Greenfields Milk (only available at 7-11).

Buy any 2 x 2-litre Bottles or 3 x 1-litre Packs to get your free limited edition double walled cup. Promotion is valid from 12 August, while stocks last and available at major supermarkets and hypermarkets nationwide. Limited to four cups in a single receipt.

This recipe and post was brought to you by Greenfields.

GF NEW LOGO_E - final

Disclosure: Thanks to the milk man from Greenfields who delivered a few 1-litre and 200ml packs to our doorstep, we got to enjoy (more) milk this month. The good people at Greenfields also paid me to write this post. All opinions here are my own and based on my experience. We’ve been drinking Greenfields for a few years now, and it’s currently our favourite brand of fresh milk.

Becks Kao Family life as we know it Milestones and growing up The darndest kid quotes and antics

The Mummy

August 25, 2013

The little girl who’s just turned three is bossy no more. She’s ditched her bossy ways and turned all nurturing and gentle. She’s now “Mummy” of the house. Earlier on, she adopted me as her kid and fussed a fair bit over me. But she soon realized that there’s absolutely no adorable-ness in me and has turned to Little Nat as her new target to mother.

Every day, she addresses herself in third person as “Mama” and talks to Nat as that. Sometimes Ben joins in and becomes “Dada”; but for a boy who’s already four-half turning five, pretend play as mum and dad is as fun as only five minutes. His world is one filled with monsters to catch, dinosaurs to hide from, dragons to slay and knighthood to be perfected. So that pretty much leaves the “Mummy” on her own to fuss over the baby and take care of him.

So the Mummy goes:

“Come, Nat, Mama will read you a book” 

“Alright Nat, please don’t cry, Mama is here” 

“Mama will feed you / bathe you / make you something to eat / tuck you in bed / hold your hand” every day.

This Mama throws very few tantrums nowadays (hurray and goodbye Terrible Twos!), manages her emotions pretty well with each passing day, and has gone all tender and loving, especially towards her little brother.

I am so not complaining, by the way; I love it whenever she goes on Mama-mode.

Just tonight, she made Nat lie down on the bed for a good fifteen minutes, pretending to apply ru yi oil on him. Nat very sportingly lifted his shirt for a rub on his tummy, played along with her by pretending to cry and needing comfort and it was all but terrific entertainment for us to watch.

Before Becks went to sleep, I just had to sit her down to have a good talk with her.

Me: Becks, so you’re Mama now huh…

Becks: Ya… I am!

Me: Means you can take care of everyone in this house?

Becks: Yes, I can!

Me: So you think I can take a holiday soon?

Becks: Hmmm…

Me: I mean, you can take care of everyone right? Ok, let me ask you, can you change and bathe Di Di?

Becks: Ya. Bathing time I just put soap on him and wash with water.

Me: Can you feed him milk?

Becks: (pauses for a while – she knows I am still breastfeeding) Ummm, I will give him the bottle?

Me: Can you tuck him in bed?

Becks: I just ask him to lie down and sleep lor

Me: Can you cook for him?

Becks: Err…no! I can only cook fake food! But Aunty can cook what!

Me: Ok, great, you can be the Mama. Take care of all the children in this room now, Mama. I will now return to sleep on my bed in the master bedroom.

For the record, I will still be co-sleeping with the kids in their room because when I declared that the new Mama would now take my place in my absence (I was going to apply for leave from motherhood in a bit, hurhurhur), Ben was pleading with me not to and Nat started to cry a bit.

Of course, “Mama” rose to the occasion and told the two boys it was going to be ok with her as their mum. “Don’t worry, Mama is here,” she said.

Gotta love this mum for her TLC. So glad I’ve found a suitable relief!

The wonderful world of pretend play: And what do you know? This Mama also sells ice cream on a motorbike. Earlier in the morning, she started ringing her bell and prepping "ice cream" with a plastic-bag glove and selling one scoop for a dollar!

The wonderful world of pretend play: And what do you know? This Mama also sells ice cream on a motorbike. Earlier in the morning, she started ringing her bell and prepping “ice cream” with a plastic-bag glove and selling one scoop for a dollar!

The darndest kid quotes and antics The Kao Kids What to Expect... As a Mother

Baby dreaming

August 16, 2013

Recently, the kids have been pestering me for a baby.

At every opportune time, they will ask, “Can we have a new baby, please, please, please, Mama?”

I tell them that they can ask a gazillion times with a double gazillion pleases, the answer would still be an affirmative no.

Then comes the dreaded question following the no. Cue the “WHY???!!!”

For every reason I give them, the kids seem to have a solution for me. If you need to take care of the new baby, Mum, we can take care of ourselves, they tell me. No time? Let’s make time! No energy? Go get energy lor. No money? Go make more money la! Need help? We’ll help you, no problem here!

Life’s challenges are so easy to overcome in the eyes of these children.

So I’ve given up reasoning with them. In their world, no problem is too difficult to solve. Not even having a new baby. Space and time is infinite, and so is energy, money and help – so why not, Mama? I feel so sorry that in time to come, these kids would realize that everything they think is infinite is finite, and that this childhood dreaming would vanish into thin air.

Like I said, I’ve given up explaining. Instead, I asked them back why they are asking me for a new baby.

“Erm, Mama. Can’t you see? Di di is growing up and there’s NO MORE baby in the house. That’s why we NEED a new baby!”

Nope, these kids don’t need new toys. Or more toys. Just give them babies!

Photo credit: @fiveuponfive

My three beautiful babies (who for now, are more than enough!)
Photo credit: @fiveuponfive

P/S: I’m no kid, so I’m really happy just to have three babies.

Milestones and growing up The darndest kid quotes and antics What to Expect... As a Mother


August 5, 2013

I know I’d probably eat my words when the nest is empty or when I’m 64, whichever comes earlier, but I just need to say this:

I’m so tired answering questions, and so tired of questions!

Gawd’, I can’t even begin describing how exhausted I am, fielding questions that come fast and furious every single waking moment from Ben who’s now four half, and Becks who’s just turned three last week. I’m talking about almost zero minutes of silence here in my life, except on weekdays where they are at kindergarten for three hours, of course; but I’m pretty sure they are giving their teachers a tough time too asking ‘why’ and ‘what’ and ‘how’ and ‘who’. But then again when they are at school, I’m with Nat who is now babbling non stop, so there you have it  – the reason why

So Ben and Becks love questions. They breathe, live, eat, drink and dream them.


When a call comes, the kids scream in my ears and ask ‘Who is it?’ and why the person is calling; when I’m on the phone, they ask who I am messaging and why I’m sending a message.

Becks: Are you messaging, Mama?

Me: Yes. (I try to stick to one-word answers, hoping this would end all questions.)

Ben: Who, Mama?

Me: I’m replying Dada.

Becks: Why?

Me: Cos’ it’s raining and he’s concerned if I would manage ok taking bus with you.

[And so this begins the never-ending series of question regarding travelling in the rain]

Ben: Why is he concerned ah? [Pause. Waits for answer. No answer. Continue.]

Ben: Ya it’s raining, so why you cannot take the car? Can we take taxi?

Becks: Why Dada message you?

Ben: Why cannot take taxi?

Me: Expensive.

Ben: Why is taxi expensive? And why we take bus in the rain is ok?

Becks: Where’s Dada’s car?

Ben: Did he park it here?

Becks: Is he driving now?

Ben: If he’s not using it, why you cannot go and take it?

Becks: Can we take taxi?

Ben: Why you have no money to take taxi? Is bus cheaper than taxi? But if we take bus we’ll be wet you know.

And the questions go on. Questions, questions, and more questions. This goes on until (a) they begin quarrelling among themselves cos’ both of them want to ask at the same time or (b) I go beserk trying to answer their questions. All because I told them the content of their father’s message.


I sometimes dread telling the kids to look out for things or point out interesting things in their surroundings because I always get a series of ‘why’ and ‘what’ and ‘how’ that follows. I can go, “Hey guys, look! The construction workers are using the steam roller to flatten the tar on the roads” and that’s like opening a big can of worms which I can never shoo back into the can, because it would be followed with questions like:

‘Why are they putting tar on the road?’

‘Do the uncles need to sleep?’

‘Is it noisy for them? Why they don’t cover their ears?’

‘Is the steam roller hot? Will they be burnt?’

‘Why do the uncles work when it’s drizzling now?’

‘Do they get a lot of money for doing this?’

Yes, these are valid questions. In my frustration from answering too many questions, I have categorized questions into ‘stupid’ and ‘intelligent’ and told the kids to only ask intelligent ones. Now you know why I am so tired.


It’s also becoming quite a challenge for me to read to the kids. The challenge is always on my patience. Questions fill their minds. All the time. They need to know why all.the.time. They absolutely must find out why Peter and Jane are going to the toy store, why they bought toys and sweets, why Pat the dog cannot eat the fish and why Peter and Jane jumped from the rock into the water at the beach (we are reading Key Words with Peter and Jane 1a, 1b and 2a right now). When we read Dear Zoo, Ben kept asking why he can’t write to the zoo to send him a pet. When we read Giraffes Can’t Dance, Becks and Ben kept asking why Gerald the Giraffe suddenly can, and if he could at the end of the story, then why is the title the title (Gerald the Giraffe eventually danced, didn’t he?).

My answers? I told them to go ask the book. Please talk to Peter, Jane, Rod Campbell and Gerald.


I am really tired. Question: Can I have another brain just to answer their questions?


Invites & Tryouts Learning fun! Motherkao loves... Nat Kao Reviews

And it’s a wrap at Gymnademics! [+a giveaway]

July 31, 2013

We’ve just completed a term of Gymnademics at their Pre-Fellow class, and it’s been A LOT of fun, fun, fun. Nat and I have learned and played SO MUCH together at every lesson, and for this, we really have Teacher Selene and her assistants to thank.

Every lesson for Nat at his Pre-Fellow class is parent-accompanied, which means both of us get a mental and physical workout! The class is an hour long, and we usually arrive 10 to 15 minutes earlier to get Nat used to the environment. By mid-term, Nat got pretty used to the gym studio and the routine, and even knew where to leave his water bottle!

The Pre-Fellow class (suitable for toddlers 1 to 2 years old) is structured and packed with mental and physical stimulation for the little ones from the get-go. The children engage in as many as 14 activities the whole hour, starting with the Welcome Song, followed by a recap of the previous week’s theme-based lesson. Then it’s the theme of the week, some warm-ups (in the form of song and actions) and then it’s movement time at the gym circuit and swinging on the trapeze.

Our last lesson at Gymnademics coincided with Racial Harmony Day and Nat got to wear ethnic Indon garb! Here he is learning about traditional costumes!

Our last lesson at Gymnademics coincided with Racial Harmony Day and Nat got to wear his hand-me-down ethnic Indonesian garb. Here’s a picture of him learning about traditional costumes!

Nat loves the gym circuit and he covers at least three rounds of it every lesson

Nat loves the gym circuit and covers at least three rounds of it every lesson

Unfortunately, Nat refuses to swing on the trapeze still. But he loves to hang on the monkey bar and so we let him do that instead during the trapeze segment while the rest are swinging.

Nat swinging on the monkey bar. He's not ok with the trapeze but feels perfectly fine swinging from this.

Nat swinging on the monkey bar: He’s not ok with the trapeze but feels perfectly fine swinging from this!

Gymnademics is the only enrichment gym in Singapore affiliated with the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential (IAHP) and its curriculum is based on methods developed by the late Glenn Doman which focuses on a child’s brain development and developing a child holistically. Which means in every lesson, the little tots, young as they are, get to read  flashcards and learn new vocabulary related to the theme of the week. The toddlers also do a fair bit of singing and dancing, and holding percussion instruments – something which Nat enjoys tremendously.

Music, song, action: Enjoying sing-alongs and shaking the macara

Music, song, action: Enjoying sing-alongs, shaking the macara and throwing the beanbag

Other activities also include the fruit relay (which trains the child to run in a straight line), gymnastics (which trains hand-eye coordination and develops their gross motor skills), parachute time (story time based on the theme of the week), Mystery Box (one of my personal favourites because Nat and I get to do some hands-on together) and music appreciation (learning the solfeggio, a technique in music used to teach pitch).

Counting the number of fruits together after the fruit relay

Counting the number of fruits together after the fruit relay

A very focused Nat doing some colouring during th Mystery Box segment

A very focused Nat doing some colouring during the Mystery Box segment

What I particularly like about the classes at Gymnademics is that the entire hour is packed with activities for the little ones and they are never once bored or restless – and that to me is quality time spent learning and exploring! The teachers are an enthusiastic bunch who are so dedicated they would even set up the gym circuit or trapeze for you should you wish to revisit a particular segment with your child. There is a lot of positivity and encouragement going around at every lesson, and this really help to boost the little ones’ confidence.

Gymnademics has been truly fun, engaging and purposeful, and I am mighty glad that Nat got the opportunity to experience that. Thank you, Gymnademics, for the invitation!

*Time for a giveaway!*

Gymnademics is offering three trial passes to three Motherkao readers who wish to experience fun and purposeful play at Gymnademics! To take part in this giveaway, simply leave a comment here to say who you’d like to win this pass for, with your email address. Find out more about their classes for 5 months old to 5 years old here. Giveaway ends 8 August.

P/S: It would be really nice if you could LIKE the Gymnademics Facebook page too!

PP/S: I shared our experiences in an earlier review here and here. We were invited to Gymnademics for a term. All opinions are my own.

Update: AND WE HAVE OUR WINNERS…Congrats to Cheryl, Regina and Debbie! We’ll be in touch shortly!

Gymnademics winners

Becks Kao Getting all sentimental now Happy days Milestones and growing up

Becks’ Rainbow Three

July 29, 2013

If I had to describe what parenting a two-year-old is like, I’d liken it to the Flood in the days of Noah. The challenges that come come like a torrential downpour. They just hit you, and hit you hard, like an overwhelming and irrepressible surge, leaving you to wonder what happened to that cute little babe you’ve birthed some 24 months ago. These are the days of the toddler exerting her independence, testing the boundaries and challenging authorities. These are the days of temper tantrums and extreme mood swings where intensive battles of wills are fought. The good thing about this Flood is that we’re all in the Ark (and that is Christ) and we stick it out as a family, and that this too shall pass.

If you don’t already know, I’ve had a bigger share of challenges than most parents out there with my little girl when she turned two. She’s wanted to leave home and sulked at her own birthday party. We’ve had to deal with hissy fits and temper tantrums on a daily basis, and struggle to get her to eat her meals, follow instructions and use the potty. So when the little girl finally turned three, what better way to celebrate than to throw her a RAINBOW party. Afterall, the Flood’s officially over and we’re beginning to see some really good days ahead!

So a rainbow party was what we had last Saturday, to celebrate Becks turning three. Actually, credit goes to korkor, who first suggested a rainbow cake in light of Becks’ indecisiveness of the cake she wanted. She wanted everything – Dora, Barney, Mickey Mouse, guns, her bolster, pigs, a green teddy bear, Angry Birds – and I gave up asking her about cake designs after surfing the net for half an hour with her. It was then when Ben whispered in my ear and said, “How about a rainbow cake for Becks cos’ it will be so colourful!” that we decided on the rainbow theme.

I got my friend, Karen, and her crafting mom friends, who run Owls Handmade, to help me with the décor, birthday bunting, food placards and jar labels. They got the paper rosettes and all that I asked done within a week! Putting the rosettes up did wonders to the blank wall in the house and immediately brightened up our place. There’s something about red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple put together that makes everything happy. Check out the colours!

Becks Rainbow Three_Decor

I also headed to IKEA to get a pretty orange-striped plastic table cloth ($29.70 for 3 metres) and some spice jars for the party favours. Then it was off to Biscuit King to get some old school biscuits (half kg for $5.80) – and there, the jars were filled with colourful “gems”. The labels that read ‘To more colourful years ahead’ specially designed by Owls Handmade then went on every jar, which the guests took home after the party.

Becks Rainbow Three_Party favours

I then logged in to Etsy and custom made a rainbow blouse for Becks with her name and age, and started planning the food menu according to the colours of the rainbow, so the guests had some home-cooked grilled beets and cherry tomatoes (red & indigo), curry chicken potatoes (orange), pineapple raisin rice (yellow), edamame (green) and Pulut Inti (blue), which I ordered from Lek Lim Confectionery, together with all the yummy kueh kuehs like the green ku kueh, ang ku kueh, oh ku kueh, kueh lapis nonya, ubi and mini wang kueh. The desserts were a hit with the guests and the dessert table was heaven for the little ones! I also served a platter of colourful vitamins – pineapples, kiwis, strawberries and grapes – and made Oreo cake pops covered with rainbow sprinkles.

Becks Rainbow Three_Dessert table

Earlier that morning, the kids’ homelearning activity was to sort four packets of M&M’s by colours into jars (which they had so much fun doing!) – and there was M&M’s galore at the party too.

Becks Rainbow Three_Sorting M&Ms

Becks’ birthday cake was once again baked by Debbie, who made her penguin hummingbird cake last year. I got her to bake a rainbow cake for Becks with a penguin (again) living in icy cold Antarctica, and she did an awesome job with it – the little penguin was even sculpted holding three tiny rosebuds, one for each year! Needless to say, the colours in the cake were such a hit with everyone, and the little girl was mighty pleased to be seeing penguin on her cake again, this time a much more colourful one!

Becks Rainbow Three_Cake

Becks Rainbow Three_Cake rainbow

It was a pretty, pretty party – one that was colourful and happy – and I am so glad rainbow days are here! Becks was a happy little girl that day; she kept saying ‘Thank you, Mama!’ throughout the day and reminding all of us at home that she’s three years old. Yes, darling, you’re finally THREE!

Becks Rainbow Three_Celebration 1

Becks Rainbow Three_Celebration 2

Becks Rainbow Three_Celebration 3

P/S: A big thank you to all our good friends and family for coming to make this rainbow party such a special one for our little girl! She was very shy and I’m sorry if she ignored you, but she was one very, very happy girl that night. We all slept at 12 that night (the first ever) because she couldn’t wait to open all the lovely presents from you!

Becks Rainbow Three_Presents

Getting all sentimental now Milestones and growing up

My little girl’s three!

July 29, 2013

Three years ago on this day, I had the worst contractions of my life in the early hours of the morning. Fatherkao sent Ben to infantcare and I checked myself into the delivery suite at KKH, begging for an anesthetist every minute of my wait. It was 7 am. Everyone was changing shift, and I was told I wouldn’t get any epidural for a while. I was given the laughing gas. Which I didn’t find funny AT ALL.

8 hours later (and after getting much relief from the epidural), my little girl was born. She had the biggest eyes I’ve ever seen a baby have. She was screamy and feisty, and difficult to pacify. She could cry for hours on end and not settle well. She was tough, and tougher than I’d imagined. Ben was mild and easily contented, so we always had a point of comparison. Still, we soldiered on and soon settled down as a family of four (which became five when she turned 18 months).

Baby Becks

Today, we bid goodbye to Terrible Two days and welcome the beginning of the Terrific Three. The little girl still has the biggest eyes I’ve ever seen. She’s still as screamy and feisty (when things get to her), and still difficult to pacify (she once stayed angry with me for half an hour even though I had apologized profusely for accidentally knocking into her).

But we’ve come a long way and the unsettled baby that we’ve known is growing up fast and settling pretty well as the princess of the family. She has her moments of shyness, sweetness and being sensible. She says the darndest things when she’s in her bossy mode. She plays with much abandonment, and yet is extra sensitive to the needs of everyone in the house so I sometimes think she can run the household rather well if I ever need a day off. She takes quite good care of all the boys in the house – by bossing them around – that’s for sure!

Today, you turn three, Becks. Happy birthday, my precious. May you live each day laughing, learning, loving.

Rebekah's Terrific Three

Family life as we know it I can't categorise such entries The darndest kid quotes and antics

Poop! goes my kiddos

July 12, 2013

6.52 am.

I was jolted from my sleep by a horrid stench so bad I was gasping for breath. For a moment there, I thought a rat died in one of the corners of the room ten times over.

I looked at Nat who was next to me. He was sound asleep. I looked at Ben – sound asleep. Becks was deep in sleep too. I felt all three foreheads – no temperature. Nobody’s sick. Nobody’s barfed.

Then I started to crawl on all fours sniffing them like a dog. And found the source of the sour, stinky stench.

Two bums.


Had to make a split second decision to wake them up and clear the air, and be physically and mentally prepared for two cranky kids throughout the day, or let them sleep while we all suffocate in this rotting odour of digested broccoli, pineapple rice, prawns, apples, oranges and milk. It’s a disgusting thought to continue letting them sleep with poop stuck to their backsides, but at least I would have well-rested kids.

I chose the former, and let’s just say it has been a drama-filled day since 7 am when the helper and I woke the kids up to wash their bums.

What can I say? Shit happens.


Ben Kao Milestones and growing up The darndest kid quotes and antics

Knight Fever

July 4, 2013

So the kids were home today cos’ the morning session folks from kindy went off for a field trip. It was drizzling the whole day and after a whole morning of reading and playing, I decided to switch the TV on for the kids. So I flipped the channel to Disney Junior (something which I’ve not done for a very long while) and there was this CG-animated series called Mike the Knight.

Mike the Knight

Photo credit:

My son couldn’t get enough of it.

He’s already starting to be a little fanatical about dragons and vikings, ever since he watched How to Train Your Dragon some time ago when he and his father had some special time together, and now, this animated series is getting him really excited about medieval times, fire-breathing dragons and knighthood.


After the show…

Ben: Mama, when we go out later, I am not going out as Ben. I’m going as a knight – Mike, the Knight.

Me: Alright, buddy. I’m sure you are. But it’s drizzling so we aren’t going out. You’ll have to be Ben.

Ben: Huh? Sigh.

A while later…

Ben: Mike the Knight has a horse. I am a knight, and I need a horse. Who’s going to be my horse?


Becks: …erm, ok lor, ME!

Ben: Huh? You’re going to be a very small horse… Sigh.

In the evening… Finally going downstairs 

Ben: Mama, can I bring my sword and my bow? I’m Mike the Knight, y’know. I need to bring all these things.

Me: I see you have your sword stuffed inside your pants and your bow hanging on your bicycle already.

Ben: Ya!

(In the end, he brought his toy bow along cos’ he couldn’t pedal his bike with the sword stuffed in his pants behind his butt!)

Before bed…

Ben: Mama, I’m dreaming about Mike the Knight.

Me: Ben, you’re not asleep yet. How can you be dreaming?

Ben: Yea, it’s very special one. I tell you how. I PAUSE it inside my head, then when I go to sleep, I’m going to PLAY it! Then I’m dreaming lor!

Goodnight, my knight. It’s amazing how one TV programme has gotten you so thrilled about knighthood the whole day, and even wishing that you’ll dream about it at night!

Welcome to Ben’s World, at four-and-a-half!

Invites & Tryouts Product Reviews The Kao Kids

The sakura blossoms here, too!

July 1, 2013

The heat’s back with such a vengeance the kids are begging to take their clothes off. They are smelly, sweaty and sticky all the time.

I’m not so keen to be blasting the a/c in the house even in this heat. I’d much prefer the kids sit in a tub and cool down with water. So it was timely that Pigeon sent the Kao kids their new Pigeon Sakura Baby Toiletries to keep their skin enriched with natural Sakura extract in this unbearable weather. The cherry blossom, also known as the Sakura flower, is said to bring about a whole host of benefits. The natural Sakura extract helps combat skin roughness, refreshes and moisturises even the most sensitive of skins and contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Pigeon Sakura Baby Toiletries

Bath time is always fun time, and the kids are loving the new Pigeon Sakura Babycare range of products. They are mild and gentle, and smell awesomely refreshing. Best of all, they do not contain harsh chemicals like parabens, sulphates and colouring agents.

Pigeon Sakura Shampoo

Pigeon Sakura Baby Wash 2-in-1

Pigeon Sakura Baby Milky Lotion_Ben & Nat

Pigeon Sakura Baby Milky Lotion_Becks

I’ve not yet seen the cherry blossom, but if this is how it smells, I am so going to head to Japan sooner than later to see and smell the beautiful Sakura for myself. Till then, I’m going to be stealing these toiletries from the kids to use so I can smell refreshingly good like them in this crazy heat!

To learn more about their products, visit

Web Banner Sakura Baby Toiletries

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Rise & Shine. We received the Pigeon Sakura Baby Toiletries Set for the purpose of this review. All opinions here are Motherkao’s own.