Ever since I stayed home with my three kids, the youngest has been getting the shorter end of the stick. There’s a whole lot of homelearning fun but the activities I planned hardly included him. Well, I did try to get Nat to do some art…
The background Our new routine is proving to be quite a challenge to coordinate naptimes and bedtimes with three kids reaching different milestones. Ben is now able to drop his nap and go down for 12 hours straight from 9 to 9. Becks still…
1. Before I started this blog, everything was journalled by pen on paper. I wrote letters to the kids, each one of them – while I was preggers with them, and after they were born. Sweet thing to do, one would say, but very tiring…
Tonight the kids shared a moment in history which may never repeat itself in the months to come. Nat, at 14 months, is finally drinking his milk from the bottle. Not much, but 10ml is good enough for a mother who has been trying…
I turned a year older last week on a quiet Tuesday. The kids had some lessons with me at home, followed by kindy, as usual. After school, they picked out an ice cream cake at my favourite ice-creamery and then came home to nap.…
On the bus one day on our way to kindy… Becks: (singing) Cop the Builder… yea yea yea… Cop the Builder… Preschooler boy seated in front: (singing louder) Bob the Builder, can we fix it! Bob the Builder, yes we can! Bob the builder,…
My boys have always latched on direct and hated to be bottle-fed. Ben only started really drinking from a milk bottle when he was much older at around 18 months, when he was able to hold it himself and had to follow the routines…
On the first night I brought my first baby home from the hospital, I sat in the living room at 3 in the morning and sobbed as I expressed milk. My husband, who thought it was the baby crying, woke up to see what…
A walk down memory lane, to a day I was princess & queen
The mom bloggers in SMB were invited to share special memories of our wedding day as part of a linky party hosted by MummyMoo. So I took a slow walk down memory lane amidst the mothering madness, to a time and place on 11…
March has been a month of madness, and I am quite glad it’s over. I began the SAHM gig on 1 March with three kids who clocked their last day in full-day childcare and infantcare on 28 February. There would be no more alternative…