The Kaos in the house guzzle milk. And I mean guzzle. We drink as much as 6 litres of fresh milk every week, sometimes even more. Fatherkao adds fresh milk to his coffee and Milo. I add it once every few days to some Earl Grey tea…
Because sometimes in motherhood, we all need reminders.…
I’ve been trying to sign both kids up for art lessons at the community centres, but most of them tell me they usually take in 5 years and up. Then I got to know about heART Studio, an art studio that provides quality art education…
The Mummy
The little girl who’s just turned three is bossy no more. She’s ditched her bossy ways and turned all nurturing and gentle. She’s now “Mummy” of the house. Earlier on, she adopted me as her kid and fussed a fair bit over me. But…
It’s been half a year since I’ve traded those beautifully tailored shift dresses (languishing now with dust in the walk-in) for t-shirts and shorts, and pretty heels (which must be growing mould right now in the shoe cabinet) for flip flops. I no longer…
Ever since I stayed home, I’ve not been away from the kids for more than three hours. Last evening, I broke the record by being away for five! I had the most splendid evening at Sugar Inc. Studios learning how to bake a dark chocolate…
Recently, the kids have been pestering me for a baby. At every opportune time, they will ask, “Can we have a new baby, please, please, please, Mama?” I tell them that they can ask a gazillion times with a double gazillion pleases, the answer would…
If you’ve not been to RedMart, you really should. And you don’t need to travel physically there, push a trolley or wish that the ground would swallow you up when your kids monkey around and pinch everything they see along the aisles, cos’ all you need is…
Learning with ‘Today I Am…’ [Book review + Worldwide Giveaway]
I had the wonderful opportunity to expand my children’s emotional vocabulary recently using a book with drawings of fish. Titled “Today I Am…”, the picture book is the Southeast Asian English version of the award-winning Dutch children’s book “Vrolijk” by Mies van Hout, which shows all…
It’s been a simple affair with the letter G. We did mostly good ol’ tracing. A lot of tracing and practicing, in fact; cos’ the letter’s been tough to conquer for both the upper and lowercase. We also drew a giraffe with the Dot to…