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Motherkao loves…

Motherkao loves... Parenting 101

A beautiful five-letter word

May 16, 2012

I used to be as blind as a bat. I could never see my toes in the shower. If I wanted to, I had to wear my glasses. That was how epilation and exfoliation were ever possible. The way I knew shampoo from shower foam was strictly by the colour of the bottles. I moved about in the house at night by the number of steps I had to take to get to the kitchen or the toilet, if I wanted to go there without my glasses. I could never wear cool Raybans. If I needed shade, I had to hold a brolly or wear a visor. Or use ugly clip-on sunglasses (there were no cool-looking Transition back then). I did start wearing contact lenses and tried them in all forms – hard, soft, monthlies, weeklies, dailies – but my eyes would get so tired from the wearing they would be puffed up and sore. And I could never put make-up on if I had to wear my glasses to work.

Over the twenty-one years of being a bat with optical defect, I’ve had 61 pairs of spectacles, and have spent much money on contact lenses, solutions and saline. They usually cost more than the average because the glasses had be high-indexed and the contacts had to be specially ordered. Although I have heard of the wonders of LASIK, I never really had the guts to try. I have a friend who went to get her myopia fixed and ended up with astigmatism instead (true story). No thanks, to that.

Until that fateful day when six-month old Ben grabbed my glasses and flung it to the floor. And the rest, they say, is history.

I never looked back ever since I got my severely blurred and distorted vision fixed. LASIK was the next best thing that ever happened to me, besides God and the husband. I’m telling you, it changed my life. For one, I could now see myself clearly in the shower.

“Seeing, hearing, feeling, are miracles, and each part and tag of me is a miracle.” – Walt Whitman


Motherkao loves... The real supermom

Starting out as a mompreneur

May 4, 2012

Friends of motherkao would know that I started my own matching wear t-shirt label last month. It was a steep learning curve for me but loads of fun. I wanted to feature in this label a range of matching wear for the family complete with happy and cool designs. Those from online stores at G-market are pretty cheesy and the slogans come complete with spelling/grammar errors. I once saw a matching set with the slogan ‘Belive‘ – what the hell is that? Be alive? Believe? If I ever wore that with my kid, the grammar police in him will arrest me for buying a t-shirt that has words spelled incorrectly. Besides, the quality of such off-the-rack t-shirts are appalling. They stretch easily, the prints feel like iron-ons and peel / fade over time.

When we started investing heavily in camera equipment and capturing photo moments with our children, we realised that childhood was the only time they would wear something matching with their dad / mom / sibling; surely they wouldn’t want to be caught dead wearing matching tees as teenagers! So for two Father’s Day in a row, fatherkao was presented with matching wear from the kids (I paid, of course) and we had a lot of fun taking photos. But the online store I bought from didn’t have designs for moms and babes and I felt very, very left out.


Since there’s no one selling matching wear for momma and her bubs, I thought I’d introduce my own. I shopped for good quality fabric and made sure every t-shirt was printed by silk screening so there wouldn’t be peel-offs and fade-offs. I chose colours I liked (wohoot! hot pink!) and made sure every tee for a lady had a fitting cut that accentuates the right curves. Yes, I am narcissistic that way.


And I ain’t gonna be contented being just ‘Mom’. When this photo runs its course in the history of the Kao clan, posterity needs to know that I was Supermom because I have gone beyond myself to love and raise my three wonderful kids to the best of my ability. Yes, I am not very humble that way.

So I’m selling matching moms and babes t-shirts to mothers out there who are also proud to be who they are, because deep down in every mother is the word Super – we have all gone beyond ourselves to do many things we never knew we could do, if not for our kids. Yes, I know I am brave that way.


Feel free to tell us what you think or contribute ideas for designs and slogans. We are also hoping to start a line of organic bamboo cotton tees (exciting times!). For the month of May we’re giving away five matching Supermom / Supermom’s Kid set if you’d tell us the bravest thing you’ve done as a mother. You can leave a comment here or email me at if you’re shy that way.