Becks Kao Ben Kao Everyday fun! Milestones and growing up Nat Kao The Kao Kids

Just like that, the three of ’em

June 5, 2013

And just like that, the three of them are playing together and doing everything together.

Playing with shoes: all ready for a fashion parade

Playing with shoes: all ready for a fashion parade

They shower together. They eat together. They watch tv (when I allow it) together.

Bath time is fun time: guess who can't wait to jump right into the shower?

Bath time is fun time: guess who can’t wait to jump right into the shower?

Watching tv together: they sit in a row, and enjoy the show!

Watching tv together: they sit in a row, and enjoy the show!

They have conversations with one another, yes, all three of them. The youngest can reply by nodding and shaking, and knows exactly what the older ones are talking about.

Most of the time, it’s monkey see monkey do. If Ben and Beck troop around the house, Nat follows. If they bounce a ball, he follows. Whatever they scale, he scales. Whatever they climb, he follows suit behind.

Monkey see, monkey do. Small monkey can copy anything!

Monkey see, monkey do. Small monkey can copy anything!

Anything small monkey see, small monkey do - with JieJie!

Anything small monkey see, small monkey do – with JieJie!

And just like that, the three of them are growing up so quickly. Quicker than my tired feet can run after.

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  • Reply qiu xian June 5, 2013 at 9:17 AM

    So cute the 3 of them! Its so fun to watch them play together too! I’m waiting when my younger one can finally play together with my elder one, who’s forever pushing didi away to play by himself. Then poor didi has to keep going over to join in or find some other toys to play with, haha.

    • Reply MotherKao June 6, 2013 at 10:28 AM

      Soon, soon! 🙂

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