I’ve been busy making picture bentos for the kids for almost every meal they have at home, but it’s been quite futile.
They.are.still.not.eating. They just go “yay”, pick the bits they like and very much leave a large portion of the box untouched.
So every day I try, and hope that more gets finished today than yesterday. Very humbling for the mommy ego indeed.
Hang in there, you have been doing great, the bentos looks fantastic, I am inspired and I am heading to Daiso anytime soon. Cheese and seaweed are not a bad thing after all!
Good luck with the bento making! It’ll be fun! 🙂
Kudos to mummy…
Hang in there! The “sian” thing about bentos is amount of effort does not equal to amount eaten… but at least you are helping them to look forward to meals, and they are eating some bits! Jiayou and don’t give up!
Thanks, Jus! I think making bentos is not good for my waistline cos I always end up eating the leftover cheese and seaweed! 🙂