I love hotpots and steamboating so much that my husband has started making his own collagen broth for my cravings and beauty needs (a woman needs her collagen!) but that’s another story for another time.
My kids love a hearty hotpot meal too, if and only IF they didn’t need to sit around the table, listen to adult chatter, wait for food to cook and then have this on repeat mode over the entire course of the meal.
Imagine how excited I was when Beauty in the Pot invited us to check out their new Children’s Playground at the OneKM outlet – THIS is the kind of steamboating that will satisfy everyone in the family.
Because playground.
And I kinda wished I came for dinner instead because with a playground like this, my kids can definitely play for a long time in the cool of the evening and I can eat for rounds on end.
This place is now officially on my list of must-go family-friendly dining venues.
Think of how long the adults can eat and talk while the kids play. The playground adjoined to the restaurant is for Beauty in the Pot’s guests only and that definitely gives any parent a peace of mind knowing that the entrance and exit is via the restaurant and there is only one door by which the kids can enter and leave by.
But to make it to that list also means that one important criteria needs to be fulfilled: the food needs to be good.
And I don’t think there is any doubt about that; everything here from the broths and fresh ingredients to the interiors for dining comfort and service is excellent. And I am not just saying it just because I was invited. Try dining there and watch how every single wait staff attentively tends to your broths (topping up and removing the scum), your drinks, your well-being PLUS do a more-than-ninety bow just about every time they have completed serving your every need.
You’ll be blown away by how much attention they will give you.
If that’s not enough, try having four pots at a go in a place so pretty in pink and you will be blown away.
We were, for sure.

Four broths to savour (clockwise): Vitaminc C Tomato Sweet Corn Broth, Cooling Coconut Broth, Herbal Drunken Chicken Broth & Signature Beauty Collagen Broth

This was the most unique ever: fishies swimming in broth! These homemade fish tofu follow a secret recipe of yellowtail fish, soya bean and egg white and they melted in our mouths. The Kao kids love this most.

I don’t know about you but my kids and I get very excited about our sauces & dips. And what a spread it is here.

I have to say their Ebiko Prawn Paste (bottom right) is the most delicious paste I have tasted because it has such natural sweetness. And their handmade meatballs.. are just too good!
Besides the freshness of the ingredients, the huge variety of food items you can match seamlessly with soups of four kinds and the promptness of the service, I particularly enjoyed the little touches in this place that makes it unrivalled as the restaurant to dine with the family.
Things like these are very important for a mother dining out with her kids:

Tissues within reach, supplied unlimitlessly – a very important thing you need when having steamboat if you’re OCD like me. I like to keep the table, and my children’s mouths, clean.

Getting disposable aprons like this that are splash-resistant so that clothes get protected. And I am not just referring to mine but all three of my kids who sometimes eat like they cannot put food properly in their mouths.

Having someone constantly look at the soup to top it up or remove the scum that’s floating – I am particular about this and I am glad that the wait staff is too 🙂
So, I am not a food blogger and I write from a mother’s perspective always. I’ve read reviews about the food being compared to this place and that, in addition to the service being a little over the top with all the bowing. From a mom’s lens, I have completely no issues with that because it’s a great teachable moment to show the kids that in some places, people are trained to serve with a smile and to bow, and it’s equally important to reciprocate in kind and thank them in return. In fact, after some time, because the wait staff was soooooo friendly, the kids could boldly ask them for balloons to play with!
I love it that with the Kao kids, everything can be a learning opportunity.
I’d definitely recommend this place for that occasional splurging on the family for a lavish treat and celebration of any kind.
Because collagen steamboat + playground + excellent service = what’s not to like?
Disclosure: We were very kindly invited to have lunch on a lovely Sunday (Becks’ actual birthday!) at Beauty in the Pot at OneKM #03-38. We loved what we were served and all opinions are our own. We hear that they are open till 3am and things go at 20% off after 10.30pm, so here’s to possibly more suppers with the kids since it will be so cool to play at the playground!