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Product Reviews

Comfortably natural [Product review, Part 2]

April 2, 2013

My boys have always latched on direct and hated to be bottle-fed. Ben only started really drinking from a milk bottle when he was much older at around 18 months, when he was able to hold it himself and had to follow the routines of daycare. Nat still is a suckler; and if you asked him, he would tell you he’d prefer his milk warm, straight from the source, thank you very much. Feeding him milk from the bottle is an epic battle of wills in itself one should avoid at all costs unless one is prepared to be deafened by yelling and injured by scratching.

Who’s the one that loves the bottle? The little girl. Becks has indicated that preference very early in her life, when latching got difficult and she refused to persevere. She’s the best person to review the new Natural feeding bottles Philips AVENT sent us recently.

All along, I’ve never used a milk bottle with a wide neck. I’ve stuck to using those long, thin classic bottles. I was surprised how wideneck bottles made filling milk powder so easy. I didn’t need to aim each scoop of milk powder. With long, thin bottles, your aiming’s gotta be perfect so milk powder wouldn’t scatter, and when it does (as often), I’d always have to wipe so ants wouldn’t come a’marching. Just this alone is reason enough for me to consider changing all the bottles at home to wideneck ones!

No aiming required when filling the milk bottle! I'm snapping a picture with my right hand while filling milk with my left!

No aiming required when filling the milk bottle – I’m snapping a picture with my right hand while filling milk with my left!

The new Natural feeding bottle is designed to make bottle feeding natural for the baby. It features a wide, breast-shaped teat that promises high acceptance and an almost instant latch-on, so the transition between breast and bottle-feeding can be smooth. Technically speaking, the tester for this should be Nat; he’s the one that needs to learn to feed from the bottle. But alas, he is not ready to make the switch yet. I’ll definitely make him try this bottle when he’s a little older.

So Tester Becks used it, and she’s been using it every night. The Natural bottle is easy to hold with its ergonomic shape designed for grip in any direction and maximum comfort. One thing I also noticed about the Philips AVENT Natural bottle is that the teat doesn’t collapse. Its unique comfort petals are flexible yet firm. The three parts of the bottle (teat, ring and bottle) are also easy to clean and assemble.

The Natural teat

The Natural teat

The new ergonomic design

The new ergonomic design

I asked Becks which bottle she preferred – the old or the new – and she says she likes to hold her new Natural bottle, though I wished the bottles came more colourfully designed so I can buy a different design to personalise the bottle for each of my children. Some patterns and prints would be nice!

And this is how the little girl drinks her milk every night. Well, if she likes it, she’ll have it!

Becks and the bottle

Becks, the bottle and Avery, the Philips AVENT bear

More details:
  • The Philips AVENT Natural feeding bottle (BPA-free polypropylene) retails at $20.90 for the Single 260ml pack and $36.90 for the Twin pack. The 125ml Single pack retails at $17.90 and $30.90 for the Twin pack.
  • The Philips AVENT Natural feeding bottle (BPA-free borosilicate type 1 glass) retails at $18.90 for the 120ml Single pack and $22.90 for the 240ml Single pack.

Disclosure: I received the single electric Comfort breastpump and the 260ml Twin pack Natural range feeding bottles for the purpose of this review. This post is part of a series of sponsored conversations by Philips AVENT.

I reviewed the Philips AVENT Comfort breastpump too. Read about my experience here.

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Product Reviews

Comfortably natural [Product review, Part 1]

April 2, 2013

On the first night I brought my first baby home from the hospital, I sat in the living room at 3 in the morning and sobbed as I expressed milk. My husband, who thought it was the baby crying, woke up to see what had happened, only to find me in the dark, crying like a baby.

I borrowed a mini electric breastpump from a friend and had spent the last 45 minutes in the wee hours of the morning trying to express milk. I only managed a pathetic 5ml. I was engorged and clearly in great distress.

As I eased into motherhood and started reading reviews about breastpumps from forums (actually it was the husband that started reading up first), I became very particular about the type of breastpump I used.

For me, a breastpump must be three things – fast, comfortable and light. I’m not going to be wasting 45 minutes expressing so little, I’m not going to be bending forward and breaking my back, I’m not going to be lugging a brick around if I need to bring the pump out.

The one I’ve settled on using after that 3am-sobbing-in-the-night episode is a pretty sturdy one, one in which many mothers swear by. It’s trusty and has served me well since I had Ben. I breastfed Ben for 11 months, Becks for 3 and am still serving Nat as his milk machine at 13 months, and have been using it to express milk when I was away from them at work.

But I’ll be frank. This pump has only fulfilled one out of the three criteria I have. It’s fast because it has one helluva electric motor, but it’s hardly comfortable nor light. So when Philips AVENT sent over their new Comfort range breastpump for a mother who’s still searching for the perfect one that fits all three criteria, I couldn’t wait to review it to see if I’ve finally found ‘the one’.

The single electric Comfort breastpump

The single electric Comfort breastpump

So I tried it while the baby was still at infantcare in February and was pleasantly surprised to see how compact it was and how light it felt. I’ll be the first to admit that its weight made me kinda skeptical of the speed of the breastpump motor. After opening it up, I separated and sterilised the parts, which was easy and definitely idiot-proof. The parts, which are few, are intuitively designed for assembly.

I used it in a RECLINING position cos’ it says I can “sit more comfortably with no need to lean forward” when using it. I’ve never done that using a breastpump ever since that one time I tried and the milk flowed backwards and made me very dirty, so I thought for the sake of the review, I’d give it a go.

Yes, so I leaned back on a nice huge pillow to use the Philips AVENT Comfort breastpump.

Nope, I'm sorry you're not going to get a picture of me. Here's a prettier model instead.

Nope, I’m sorry you’re not going to get a picture of me. Here’s a prettier model instead.

Comfort – check. Its unique petals were very nice to have against those tired boobs unlike the one I’m used to using, which sucks you very hard, if you know what I mean. This one actually felt soothing and warm.

Comfort, without spillage – check. The pump is indeed designed in a way that you can actually lean back a fair bit. I actually caught a few minutes of shut-eye while expressing, which was a first for me!

As for speed, it did take longer than my usual to express 120ml from one side, even though I opted for the fastest of its pumping settings, after using it in gentle stimulation mode. Comparatively speaking, the one I own is quicker and sucks much harder. Oh well, but for the few minutes of shut-eye I could get, I didn’t mind it actually.

Philips Avent Comfort breastpump review

120ml in about 20 minutes, using the fastest mode available

And its weight? The base unit of the Philips AVENT Comfort is so much lighter than what I am used to lugging around. It is easy to keep (the tube simply wraps around the base unit), compact, and has a nice shade of purple. It is also easy to use on the go with batteries.

There you have it, two out of three criteria fulfilled. For its comfort and compactness, I would say the Philips AVENT breastpump is thoughtfully designed for the tired mother who wants to unwind while expressing milk, and worth the investment if you’re looking for comfort spelled with a capital C.

I’ve also had the opportunity to review the new Natural range Philips AVENT milk bottles. More on it in Part Two.

More details:
  • The single electric Comfort breastpump retails at $309 and the twin electric retails at $779 and are available at leading departmental stores. baby specialty shops and selected hospital pharmacies from January 2013.

Disclosure: I received the single electric Comfort breastpump and Natural range feeding bottles for the purpose of this review. This post is part of a series of sponsored conversations by Philips AVENT.

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Product Reviews

Happy, funky feet [Product review & giveaway]

March 25, 2013

Two little kittens arrived in the mail for Baby Nat, and boy, was the little one happy!

Funky Feet Footwear

These soft, flat, cute little Funky Feet Footwear (which looked more like mice than cats to me!) were handmade in the UK and features anti-slip suede soles that are flexible, allowing my little toddling munchkin to move freely, which is crucial for developing his foot strength. What’s best is that the shoes are also machine washable and are designed to provide maximum comfort for those growing feet with 100% cotton linings and soft fleece insoles.

Nat and his new shoes

The 12-18m shoes things fit the littlest perfectly, and he’s been wearing them everywhere since he got them – to the mall, to the playground, to the supermarket – and playing with those stringy whiskers whenever he gets the chance.

Nat playing with new shoes

Nat walking in new shoes

And just so you can see how pretty and comfy these shoes can be, the Baby’s Breath Team, the sole Singapore distributor of Funky Feet Footwear, is giving out a $50 voucher to one lucky reader. To browse Funky Feet Footwear’s cute selection, you can check out Baby Breath’s website here. Here’s a sneak peek:

Funky Feet Footwear Selection

Images from

*Giveaway* This is what you can do to take part:

1) Leave me a comment here telling me what is the one most important thing you look out for when buying shoes for your toddler. Don’t forget to leave your email so you can be contacted if you win!

2) [Optional] Like Motherkao’s Facebook Page

3) [Optional] Like Funky Feet Fashions Singapore’s Facebook Page

Giveaway ends 1 April 2013.

UPDATE: We picked a winner! Congrats, Mabel! You win $50 from Baby’s Breath to get some funk for your toddler’s feet!

Disclosure: Nat received a pair of Funky Feet Fashions footwear, courtesy of Baby’s Breath. All opinions here are Motherkao’s own.

Invites & Tryouts Product Reviews Reviews

Welcoming Philips AVENT’s first design breakthrough

March 14, 2013

My family and I were invited to a Baby Shower last month.

The occasion? To celebrate Philips AVENT’s first design breakthrough in 29 years of its breastpumps, bottles and accessories. The ‘bundles of joy’ that have arrived are the Philips AVENT Natural range of milk bottles and Comfort range of manual and electric breastpumps.

Baby shower

And as with any party to celebrate a baby, there was good food, great company and lots of mommy chatter.

Great food at the Baby Shower

Glorious food and Pink / Blue AVENT cupcakes!

Kids talk and mom talk

Chit-chatting with Mummy Ed about breastfeeding while our little ones had some flashcard fun

There was even free babysitting. The kids got to colour, play ball and bounce on inflatable animal hoppers.

Ben & Becks

Ben & Becks showing off what they coloured

While the children were entertained, I got a chance to chit-chat with other moms about breastfeeding and parenting, as well as walk around to check out the latest range of products launched by Philips AVENT, a brand well-known for its commitment and continuous innovation to provide us, mothers, with solutions that give our babies the best start in life. This first redesign of its products was done with the aim to enable mothers to effortlessly combine breast and bottle feeding so we can breastfeed longer.

The folks at Philips AVENT Singapore also shared with us how baby feeding and milk bottles evolved, and how AVENT revolutionised bottle-feeding by being the first in the world to design the wideneck bottle and teat with proven anti-colic properties. Its new Natural bottle now comes with a unique ergonomic design for easier grip; and its Comfort electric breastpumps now offers – well, you guessed it – more comfort with its new velvety texture to help mothers relax and express milk, without having to lean forward.

Philips AVENT Natural & Comfort range of products

Philips AVENT Natural & Comfort range of products

Philips AVENT Comfort dual electric breastpump

Philips AVENT Comfort dual electric breastpump

Philips AVENT Natural milk bottles

Philips AVENT Natural milk bottles

I’ll be reviewing the Natural range of milk bottles and the Comfort range of electric breastpump soon, so do watch this space. Thank you, Philips AVENT Singapore, for inviting me to one of the best baby showers I’ve attended!

This story was brought to you by Philips AVENT.

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Learning fun! Product Reviews The Kao Kids

Learning through craft with the Toddibox – Product review & giveaway

March 12, 2013

I’m a little late with this review. We received the February Toddibox last month and only got to open it just this week. The kids (and adults) have been taking turns falling ill and I have absolutely zero energy left ever since my SAHM gig started. Finally it seems, that we are more settled this week .

The big box came with individually packed activities, similar to the Lollibox I reviewed in December. Objectives and instructions were clearly printed out and slotted in ziplock bags, similar to the Lollibox. The difference between the Toddibox and the Lollibox is that the former is pretty generous with their activity packs. It also comes with a story book related to the Valentine’s Day theme to promote parent-child bonding through reading.

What is in the Toddibox

I was overwhelmed when I opened it because this meant I had to look through every single pack, read what’s in store and decide if it’s age appropriate for Ben and Becks. It was a good thing I opened it before they did, so they wouldn’t go crazy opening ziplock after ziplock and go, “Shall we do this, Mama? And this? And this?”

I personally found the instructions in the Toddibox a little more vague than the instructions in the Lollibox. The ones in the Lollibox were much more detailed and had clear step-by-step instructions complete with illustrations.

Activities in the Toddibox came in four categories – Ten Fingers, Tempo and Beat, Thinking Tots and Test Tube. I naturally gravitated towards the Ten Fingers packs to see how I can occupy my tots with craft activities, being not very crafty myself.

I selected the ‘Family Link’ activity for Ben and Becks. I began the activity as suggested by telling the children about the family members in the house, and that we are all linked together by our love for one another. I got them to cut out the paper people and hearts provided in the pack, had them personalise each member in the household. They also stuck eyes onto the people and coloured them when the glue dried up.

Making the Family Link

There was a fair bit of cutting and I ended up having to cut the paper people for the project because it was difficult for Ben and Becks to cut out its shape with precision. There was also no glue provided so I had to go get white glue from my own stash for the buttons. I also wished there were more than 5 paper people to cut out, because we have a helper and we’ve told the children she’s family too.

The final product now hangs proudly on my front door.

Family Link

On another occasion, the kids got to try ‘Walking in my shoes’. The activity requires the kids to trace the shape of each family member’s foot and make shoe lace holes with the soles that we’ve cut out. This may even be an opportunity to teach older kids how to tie shoe laces or sequencing by getting them to arrange the different soles in ascending order. But because dad wasn’t home for them to trace his foot and the baby was taking his morning nap, I decided to modify the activity a little to tie in with what I’m covering this week for our homelearning. So I got them to trace each other’s left and right foot, had them cut them out and label their soles ‘R’ and ‘L’. We’re making an ‘All about me’ scrapbook in line with this week’s bible verse from Psalm 139:14 (I am fearfully and wonderfully made), so this gets to go into their scrapbook! I also got them to ink their fingerprints and study the lines to see how special their prints were (which lasted five seconds).

Tracing shape of foot

Putting together the things for their scrapbook

There are so many activities to try and we’ve only done two this week. I’ll be working with the kids on our family tree soon, as well as getting them to do some CSI work studying family members’ fingerprints. The box is certainly value for money, and I am sure one box, with its 8 activities, would keep the kids busy the whole month.

I thought I’d put a review of these two activities up first because I have a giveaway for you – next month’s Toddibox!

If you would like to win next month’s Toddibox (theme on Music), simply leave a comment to say who you like to win this for and why. The giveaway ends 18 March 2013.

More details:
  • Toddibox is designed and created by a team of trained educators. The Toddibox’s multi-disciplinary activities are designed to help a child (from ages 3 to 6) relate to the real world and develop his confidence.
  • A Toddibox is priced at SGD$39.95; or SGD$239 for six months subscription (including a stationery pack); or SGD$440 for 12 months subscription (including a stationery pack and a free month).


UPDATE: We picked a winner randomly! Congrats Ganesan Arsheitha, Toddibox will be in touch with you shortly!

Learning fun! Motherkao loves... Product Reviews

Want a wocket in your pocket? Featuring a Dr Seuss’s boardbook giveaway

January 27, 2013
Dr Seuss
Well, what can I say, ever since those board books arrived
We’ve been reading and laughing and wanting to jive
It’s been awesome and so much fun
Reading each book every night one by one
They made us laugh till our faces turned blue
And got us excited that words just flew
Becks is two-half and Ben’s turning four
They want Dr Seuss and keep asking for more
These books, they are timeless; I read them as a kid
And now I’m reading to mine, what wonders it did
They love Hop on Pop, Fox in Socks and Mr Brown Can Moo,
I can’t wait to read more to them, and I know they can’t wait too!

Dr Seuss board books

We bought Dr Seuss’s board books and flip-the-flap books from, and have been enjoying them ever since. The good people at are giving away There’s a Wocket in my Pocket! (worth $10.90) to one lucky reader of Motherkao! To participate in the giveaway, all you need to do is to perform these three simple steps:

1) LIKE Lilbookworm on Facebook

2) LIKE Motherkao’s Facebook page if you’ve not already done so

3) Leave a comment here telling us why you love Dr Seuss (better still, do it in rhyme!)

Don’t forget to leave your email address so we can contact you if you win! Giveaway ends 5 February 2013. A winner will be randomly picked by one Kao kid!

I hope you’re a Dr Seuss fan, you’d better not bluff
so let’s get rhyming silly with this crazy stuff!


UPDATE: We’ve picked a winner! Congrats, Shu Qing, we’ll be in touch!

Invites & Tryouts Reviews

Glooba-who? [Giveaway: tickets for a musical by Gloobaloo & friends]

January 22, 2013

Did you know we have a homegrown mascot who stages musical performances?

I’ve always loved our very own mascots. I grew up with Singa the Courtesy Lion, Sharity Elephant, Teamy the Productivity Bee, and POSB’s Smiley Squirrel. If you have no clue what I’m talking about, you probably didn’t grow up here. These guys gave us some wonderful memories of singalongs and dance performances at school assemblies.

My favourite lion! (Picture from

My favourite lion! (Picture from

Nowadays, our kids see some huggables that are quite different. Meet Gloobaloo, a curious alien from Planet Global who has travelled to earth on his Big Boat Spaceship. He’s here to make new friends and learn all about Planet Earth and her environment. Every journey is filled with exciting adventures as he goes about trying to solve problems with his creative and magical ways.

Gloobaloo and Friends

And he’s back to stage his second musical this March at Kallang Theatre, following a successful first performance last October. Last year’s show, In the Ocean with Gloobaloo, also raised S$10,000 in support of the Children’s Cancer Foundation.

This year, Gloobaloo and his friends will bring you on a musical journey into the Enchanted Forest in a performance filled with original songs and energetic dance choreography. Gloobaloo and his friends, Chirpy, Grumpy and Wikki Zikki,  need to search for the Fire Dragon that is destroying the plant life in the forest. Come journey with them and see how this exciting story unfolds! Now, if only Singa the Lion, Sharity Elephant and Teamy the Bee could all be guest stars, that would be a blast from the past indeed!

Gloobaloo Sistic Poster

*Yay! I have a pair of tickets to giveaway!*

Big Boat Studio, in partnership with Global EduHub, is giving away two (Category 2) tickets worth $70 to ONE reader of this blog. Just leave a comment here with your name and email address saying who’s your favourite homegrown mascot. A random picker (named Ben Kao) will be selecting a winner on 4 February 2013.

More details:
  • For the pair of giveaway tickets, seats and date / time are fixed and cannot be changed.
  • Giveaway is open for Singapore residents only. The winner will be notified by email. Tickets are not exchangeable for cash.
  • Gloobaloo and the Enchanted Forest will be staged on 16 March 2013 (Saturday, first day of the March school holidays), 10 am at Kallang Theatre. Tickets are at $40, $35 and $30. More ticketing details from Sistic here.

**Disclosure: Motherkao received complimentary tickets to catch the performance too, so see you there!**

UPDATE: We have a winner! The random picker picked Carol Lim, so congratulations! We’ll be in touch soon!

Becks Kao Ben Kao Invites & Tryouts Reviews

Hamster food can be tasty too! [In support of Rise & Shine]

January 21, 2013

The Rise & Shine Breakfast Team recently gave me an almost impossible task. They delivered a pack of granola to my home, as part of the Rise & Shine Breakfast Campaign, which is a community effort that aims to promote healthy breakfast eating on a daily basis among children aged 4 to 12.

I say it’s impossible because granola is something my kids think hamsters eat.

Rise & Shine Breakfast Pack

My kids, Ben, Becks and Nat, eat their breakfast every day. If they are in daycare (which will continue for only two more months), the school serves a variety of breakfast food ranging from oatmeal to egg sandwiches. Baby Nat gets brown rice cereal every day too. On weekends, we look forward to getting our local fare fix. I take them to the wet market and hawker centres and they get their tastebuds localised to the deliciousness in kway chap, wanton mee, fried carrot cake and kaya toast. They meet Milo Dinosaur and Rose Bandung, and on rare occasions, Ronald MacDonald’s. On rainy days, we stay home and I make them pancakes or mushi-pan.

I assure you they still eat healthy – I trim the fats in their kway chap, add water to the bandung and remove the generous slabs of butter in their kaya toast.

But the Rise & Shine Breakfast Team clearly had a MUCH healthier alternative in mind when they sent me a pack of granola.

In the spirit of eating healthier for breakfast, I got the kids to try some granola last Saturday. It was a rainy morning, so we stayed home and had some hot pancakes topped with yogurt ice cream with granola sprinkles.

Star pancakes with yogurt ice cream and granola toppings

The kids were very excited to be having ice cream on a cold day and took their first few bites with much enthusiasm.

Ben & his granola breakfast

The verdict? Fatherkao and Ben went yums and loved the crunch of the granola with its rolled oats, dried fruits and nuts. As for Becks, she announced after three mouthfuls, “I don’t like the beans. Gimme the ice cream.” By beans, she meant the rolled oats. I had myself a hearty and healthy breakfast too, cleaning up her “beans” and eating the leftover pancakes!

More information:
  • The Rise & Shine Breakfast Campaign is a community effort by a group of final year students from NTU Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information that hopes to raise awareness of healthy breakfast eating among children. Their efforts include ambient installations at libraries, malls and primary schools, storytelling sessions, educational theatre performances and cooking demos. Find out more at The site also features healthy breakfast recipes you can create for your kids.


  • Rise & Shine is a nationwide campaign supported by government agencies and prominent partners aimed at helping parents raise healthier and happier kids.


  • The Rise & Shine Carnival is happening on 3rd March 2013 at The Lawn @ Marina Bay. There are grand plans to set the record for the Largest Breakfast Picnic Event in Singapore! Check out for more details.

Homelearning fun Product Reviews Reviews The Kao Kids

Learning about moving air – Blow Wind Blow Lollibox product review

December 28, 2012

December has been such a busy month. There was shopping to do, errands to run, a road trip to prepare for, and the lethargy that followed to unwind from.

I’ve been meaning to try the activities in the LolliBox which was couriered over to us earlier this month but we were just too busy to do so. Finally, we had a chance to unwind from all the festivity and merry-making today. We checked out what’s in our “Blow Wind Blow” box  and learned something about moving air.

The Blow Wind Blow Lollibox

Inside the box: materials for a hands-on project to create a sailboat and a theme-based project to measure and record the wind with a windsock, additional selected activities to enrich the kids in line with the theme, and a reward badge for the kids to boost their sense of achievement. The Lollibox was created with 3-7 years old children in mind, and I’m sure by the age of 4, a kid can pretty much take the box, ask Mama what the instructions in each pack are, and go to work on his own. Seeing that I have a 2 year-old and a 3.5 year-old who can only be meaningfully engaged for at most 15 minutes, I’d thought I try out the hands-on project with them.

I introduced the word “wind” to Ben and the letter “w” to Becks. “Wind” is defined as moving air, and something we can’t see but can feel. We stood still for 30 seconds to enjoy the wind coming through our window. Thank God it was a windy day today!

Learning how to spell wind

We then used the paint provided in the pack and painted the sailboat together. Becks didn’t want to move on and wished to continue painting, so I brought out more paper to indulge her, while I moved on to decorate the sail with Ben.

Painting a sailboat together

Decorating the sail

Sailboat completed! And that was a good 15 minutes of meaningful engagement.

Sailboat completed

We tested the sailboat when the paint dried up but unfortunately, the sailboat couldn’t sail! The wooden base was too heavy and it kept sinking. Ben was blowing his face silly but it refused to move in the direction he wanted it too.

Blowing the sail

The box came with theme-related questions for the children and another theme-based project, which I felt was more suitable for ages 5 and up. To make a windsock and to record and measure wind would require more than fifteen minutes on my end which I couldn’t afford because the baby was waking and Becks was almost flooding the bathroom playing with water and paint. Shall leave it for another time. Perhaps next year when Ben is ready to skip a nap.

More details:
  • Lollibox is a subscription service that delivers hands-on fun to your doorstep. In every LolliBox you’ll receive all the materials and inspiration for projects related to a theme such as animals, plants, colors and many more. Projects may include art and craft, science activities, imaginative play and others. The activities are carefully selected and encourage curiosity, exploration and creativity.
  • You can also purchase individual theme boxes. Check out their product page here.

Milestones and growing up Nat Kao Parenting 101 Product Reviews Reviews

iChew [Product review + a discount code]

December 18, 2012

The vast majority of babies sprout their first teeth between 4 and 7 months of age. Baby Nat had his first bottom middle at 6 months. Now, at 9 months, he has 6 teeth – the bottom two middle teeth, top two middle ones and two more at the sides. Good thing is, he doesn’t have the same fussiness and irritability his sister had when she was teething (my goodness, she was a screamer, alright) nor the sleep problems his brother had when he teeth broke through.

This happy little honey bun just dribbles all day long. Oh, and he also loves to bite. This is the little teether gnawing away:

This is him finding out how juicy my left thigh is:

Somebody give this boy a teether, please!

When the folks at Maternity Exchange asked me to pick a gift for my baby from their wide range of fun and quirky gift and accessories, I picked the Sophie the Giraffe Ice Bite Telephone Teether which I felt would be perfect for Nat to grasp and handle. This teether provides just the kind of relief a teething baby with sore gums needs. Upon refrigeration, the cold anaesthetises the pain caused by teething, and the hard parts protect baby’s hands from the cold. I had to get this for Nat because I haven’t found much success getting him to use the hand-me-down teethers from his siblings; they are so cold to hold he usually can’t last more than three seconds.

So with this Ice Bite Telephone Teether, the little boy got to say “hello” to Sophie the Giraffe

And had his sore gums soothed with a new toy to nom nom nom away

It was great that he could hold on to it for a while and changed the sides to chew and explore. That kept him busy for some time.

With a teether so cleverly designed like this, I’m sure we’ll be able to tide through the dribbling, drooling and biting. At least I know my thighs will be safe for now.

More details:
  • Sophie Ice Bite Telephone Teether and other Sophie Baby Teethers are available in-store at #03-108 Marina Square and online at
  • Just for Motherkao’s readers, shop online and receive 10% off regular-priced gift and accessories! To enjoy the discount, enter the promo code “motherkao” when you check-out. Applicable for online store purchases only and valid till 31 January 2013. Free shipping is available for any orders of $100 and above.
  • Maternity Exchange offers a wide range of gift and accessories for mummies, babies and also daddies alike. Indulge your expectant friends and loved ones, or even yourself with some wacky, practical or simply delightful gifts! Check out their range of gifts & accessories here.
  • This Christmas, Maternity Exchange has new gift bundles that combine practical, fun and witty gifts that are sure to bring joy and laughter this festive season! All bundles come prettily packaged, from $80 for a basic one to $220 for a luxurious gift set.

*Discount applies to most gifts & accessories storewide except promotional & clearance items, MX Gift Vouchers, Hem Gems, Hollywood Fashion Tape, the Sophie range and other selected products. Maternity and nursing wear, lingerie and swimwear not included.*

**Disclosure: Baby Nat received the Ice Bite Telephone Teether for the purpose of this review. All text and opinions are Motherkao’s own.**