Becks Kao Ben Kao Happy days Homelearning fun Learning fun! Nat Kao The Kao Kids

Birthday card making fun

March 8, 2014

Since the boys had their birthdays last month, one of our homelearning activities involved having them create generic birthday cards.

I started the lesson by getting the kids to read the reader from Scholastic’s First Little Readers Level A titled Birthday Surprise. It’s a simple story about a boy using glue, scissors, crayons, paper to make a card for grandma.

First Little Readers_Birthday Surprise

The story was simple and the activity of making birthday cards was one that was suitable for all three kids. Ben learned the various sight words and how to spell “Happy Birthday” by writing it several times on the cards he made. Becks learned to identify the beginning sounds of each sight word. All three of them got to practise peeling off stickers and strengthening their finger muscles by colouring, and we all had lots of art and craft fun.

First Little Readers_Birthday Surprise_Card making

I also took the opportunity to make Ben his birthday card which I demanded that he keep for a long, long time.

Ben's birthday card_front

Ben's birthday card_back

If you need handmade birthday cards for anyone special, the Kao kids are ready to be at your service!

First Little Readers_Birthday Surprise_Gallery


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