The house is really noisy these days.
You will be amazed at how much noise pollution this thing, together with these four people makes:

The game’s called ‘Hungry Hungry Hippos’. If you were born in the 70’s or 80’s, I think you’d find it very familiar!
Gives pandemonium at home a new definition, I tell you.
Fatherkao recently ordered this from Amazon after searching for it in local Toys ‘R’ Us stores for months. They don’t have the game any where, and so we paid USD12.88 for the game and almost four times the game price for shipping.
It’s crazy, I know. I was tempted to scold the husband for spending money like this, until I saw this on the first night they played the game:
And this on another night:
And then the littlest getting all too amused and engaged with the travel set Fatherkao ordered too:

Check out how he plays the two-player game on his own, left hand vs. right hand, in all sort so of positions!
Then I remembered what I often hear my pastor say on Sundays from the pulpit. ‘Use money, love people; NOT use people, love money’. In my husband’s case, he used his money to love his children to make memories they will remember for a lifetime.
They will remember they were hungry, hungry hippos when they were kids, that’s for sure.
Money well spent for so much fun (never mind the noise), that’s what I think!
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