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Craving for something homemade

May 21, 2012

Sung to the tune of “O Christmas Tree”:

Baking 2
O KitchenAid, O KitchenAid!
How awfully I’ve missed you;
O KitchenAid, O KitchenAid!
Look, how much dust you’ve gathered;
We’ve had much fun before the kids,
Churning out tasty little treats
KitchenAid, O KitchenAid!
How awfully I’ve missed you!
KitchenAid, O KitchenAid!
O how I wish to use you!
KitchenAid, O KitchenAid!
You should have batter in you;
It’s really cold to sit alone
We should be churning tarts and scones
KitchenAid, O KitchenAid!
I’ll very soon be with you!

Baking 1