My kids love Leo Lionni’s little blue and little yellow, a cute story of how two best friends discover something amazing happens when they hug. They make me read the story again and again, in English and Chinese (mostly in English), and remain ever so fascinated by the simplicity of how blue and yellow can give us the colour green.
Just last weekend, my daughter decided to skip her nap, and while all of us were fast asleep, she took hold of my craft box, selected blue and yellow paint from my stash, and went wild mixing the colours on paper plates.

Little Blue & Little Yellow, by Becks Kao
When I got up, she saw me and went, “See, Mama! Little Blue and Little Yellow!” I went beserk initially at the mess and the fact that she ransacked what was forbidden to her, but calmed down quickly cos’ what she did, well, it was kinda cute. I would have never allowed her to do this while I am awake so it was good that she did it while I was sleeping!
I love this book since I was young!! I didn’t know there was someone else who knew about it. Neither did I think that it was still around. Where did you find it? Wanna go grab it!
I ordered from Scholastic! 🙂 And bought the chinese version from China. 🙂
How creative and how cute! You must have gotten the shock of your life when you saw the mess though. Haha.
I did! I was even more shocked when she thought she could wash the colours off the plates, hence the picture of the plates in the basin! 🙂