One of the greatest joys of parenting is to be totally immersed and involved in your children’s obsessions.
Boys usually start with cars or balls. Then they move on to trains, dinosaurs, soldiers, LEGO and superheroes of all kinds.
Girls typically are obsessed with the colour pink, in addition to being a little mad about a cat with no mouth, princesses and dolls.
My boys have been into dinosaurs for the longest time. They can rattle those three to four-syllable names faster than I can call theirs, and it’s fascinating how they can immerse themselves so completely in the prehistoric world – from wanting to colour dinosaurs all day long and learning their names, to constructing massive dinosaur parks with thier LEGO bricks and dino figurines and pleading to go to Jurassic Park every single weekend.
Jurassic Park, by the way, exists in the minds of these boys.
In Universal Studios Singapore, that is (which is also called The Lost World).
This is a place where you can go dino-soaring on pterodactyls, put your head into a T-Rex’s mouth, and pat Diane, the park’s latest infant triceratops – which incidentally is the current obsession of Nat, my youngest. This boy loves, loves, loves triceratops.

And we meet Diane, the infant triceratops. She moves and responds to you when you pat her – which freaks my little girl out and fascinates her brothers
The Lost World is a place we head to whenever my boys need their dino-fix.
We got the Universal Studios Singapore’s 6-month season pass in December last year and have been visiting the theme park on a regular basis. It’s a happy place, with happy music blaring everywhere; happy people always smiling, waving, laughing, greeting; happy mascots roaming around; and happy, happy rides.
Being there makes me happy. Being there makes my children happy.
We get fun times taking rides, goofing times posing for pictures, and laugh-out-loud times spotting characters. And best of all, we spend A LOT of time, as my boys would have it, at Jurassic Park, where their dinosaur dreams come alive. Their imagination takes off and soars to a new height with every repeated visit to this place.
You don’t know how grateful I am for Universal Studios. It has allowed me to participate in the dino-madness with my children, something which I know I wouldn’t be able to do for long because they will all grow up soon enough.
Next stop: the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Mueseum. We’ll be found there real soon!
Do you have a treasured moment of indulging with your children in their obsession?
Cherish the special moments you have with your children. Share your very own fun-filled #FrisoMoment at and stand to win a host of amazing prizes, courtesy of Friso Singapore.
Here are the mechanics:
How to participate
Submit a photo of you and your child sharing a special experience. You may submit 1 experience each week. Each photo submitted will earn you two instant rewards – A Friso Experience journal and a Friso voucher worth $5, $10 or $20. Friso Singapore will also select and print one photo in 4R size with a Friso frame and send it to you.
You will be eligible for weekly and grand prizes if you agree to display your image in the gallery to inspire other parents.
- Instant prizes: Friso Experiences Journal + Friso Voucher will be awarded to every entry.
- Weekly Prize: The best photos will be selected to win the weekly prize. If you didn’t win in the first week, you will still be eligible for the weekly prizes in the remaining weeks of the month.
Week 1 to 2 (7 Mar – 23 Mar) 8 x FujiFilm Instax Mini 8
Week 3: 5 x Rebel Kidz Retro Racer Balance Bike
Week 4: 5 x Annual Zoo membership [2 adults + 2 Child]
Week 5: 5 x GOPRO Hero Camera
Week 6: 3 x Port of Lost Wonders party package
Week 7: 5 x Fujifilm Instax Share Printer
- Grand Prize: A year’s supply of Friso milk.
One winner in April will be selected from the top 25 most voted entries for the month. You may vote once per day for each entry. Remember to include the hashtag #FrisoMoment on your IG and FB posts!
Disclosure: This post was brought to you by Friso Singapore. Friso Singapore has invited Motherkao to share her #FrisoMoment to inspire parents to experience MORE with their children.
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