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Becks Kao

Becks Kao Mommy guilt

Saved, and forever grateful (A story of a girl who still has happy feet)

March 26, 2013

I thought this would only happen to irresponsible mothers and badly behaved children. I’d never imagine this would happen to me.

I had just released her right hand from my grip for three seconds. I was carrying the baby on my hip and needed to adjust the 10-kg weight.

Then it happened. I heard a blood-curdling scream and the next thing I knew, Becks was without her right shoe. When we arrived at the 3rd floor of the mall, Ben picked up her right shoe from the escalator, and this was what we saw.

Shoe caught in escalator

Shoe caught in escalator - side view

Becks’ right shoe got caught in the escalator and I was expecting a gash and profuse bleeding when I checked my little girl’s sole. The babe was still wailing from the shock and I was almost prepared to call the ambulance. I was with three kids and the helper and without the hubs, and the mall was all quiet at 9.30am. We had gone to the basement for breakfast and was going to check out the enrichment centres on the top floor when the incident happened, and I might as well be on my way to crucify myself for being a negligent, terrible mother.

But because the angels of the Lord encamp around those who fear His name, and because the Lord Himself is our Protector and Help, Becks suffered no injury at all.

I don’t believe in luck, and never will. This isn’t because I am lucky. It is a miracle she was unhurt. God was taking care of my children, and He protected my little girl. Thank you, thank you, Jesus.

Becks Kao The darndest kid quotes and antics

Knock knock, who’s there? Amos, Amos who? A mosquito bite me

March 13, 2013

The mosquito kissed her thrice. Twice on her left and once on her right. She ended that silly love affair at the playground promptly, and came to Mama crying.

She told Mama she was in pain. Mama kissed her boo boo, tousled her hair, and told her to go on and play.

The day went on and she kept complaining she was in pain. She whined the whole evening and refused to have her dinner.

Before bed time, she sobbed at a corner of the house. When no one paid her attention, her whimpering turned to wailing. She hollered in tears, “The mosquito bite me. It’s painful.”

Hot baths, hugs and kisses from everyone and antiseptic cream didn’t work. “It’s only a mosquito bite,” we said to ourselves. “Our daughter is overreacting.” We took the opportunity to teach her the difference between pain and itch.

The next day, the swelling did not subside. It appeared distended.

She remembered the pain intermittently, and wept intermittently. Finally, in the afternoon, when hot tears rolled down her cheeks again, Mama left the other two at home, called a cab and rushed her to the pediatrician.

“She’s allergic to the mosquito bite,” Dr Chan said.

“I want the biscuits,” she whimpered, pointing to Dr Chan’s cookie jar.

“Here you go. Are you still in pain?”

“No,” she smiled.

My drama queen

Somebody please give Becks an Oscar. I have just birthed a drama queen.

The mosquito bite me

Becks Kao Ben Kao Learning fun! Milestones and growing up The darndest kid quotes and antics The Kao Kids

My mother, my student

March 9, 2013

Little Miss Bossy has found a new hobby lately. She’s decided she wants to be ‘Teacher Jenny’ (the teacher who used to teach her when she was at daycare).

Becks: Mama, sit down!

Me: Ok…

Becks: I’m going to read to you ah. This book is ‘One Fish Two Fish’.

Reading One Fish Two Fish

Mama sit down

Becks: Fish swim like this (makes action with two hands)

Reading more to Mama

Becks: And fish can drive

Reading to Mama

Me: Yes, and so says Dr Seuss… (listening as she rambles on about fish for a few minutes)

Becks: Ok, now we sing a song. SING! All the fishes swimming in the water… (she switches from English to Chinese playtime songs about fishes).

Me: All the fishes swimming in the water…

Becks: Hey, Mama! DO WITH ME THE ACTIONS! (hollers at me while the brother watches in amusement)

Me: Right…

Actions for song

Singing Yu Er Yu Er

Ben: Hahahaha! Mama is Becks’ student! Hahahaha!

Becks Kao Ben Kao The darndest kid quotes and antics The Kao Kids

WTBW: Money can’t buy me love

February 27, 2013

At four, Ben is learning the concept of money and its function in our daily lives. His father gives him coins to save up and makes him count them periodically. Fatherkao also “sells” him Tomica diecast cars and trucks in exchange for his coins.

Tis’ very interesting indeed, watching a child understand the concept of money and learn how goods and services are exchanged.

Overheard recently at a shopping mall…

Me: Oooh, sale at Fox Baby. Look, can get more Hello Kitty t-shirts! So cheap, $9? I bought them for $19.90 before CNY!

Becks: Yay, I want more Hello Kitty, Mama.

Me: (to everyone) Let’s go and take a look.

Becks: (excitedly) I want, I want!

At this point in time, Ben looked stern and not too thrilled at all. He looked at his sister and…

Ben: Buy, buy, buy… Every time buy. Then Mama has no more money. Do you know if she has no more money, she cannot teach us anymore, she’s got to go back and work?

Yes, I am a stay-home-mum now and I’ve told my son that I’m no longer working so I can read to him, play with him and have lessons with him at home.

My son, the prudent one. You can see how much he knows about money. Enough to want Mama to stay home with him.

Also linking up with:

$AHM Linky Badge photo NetWorthSAHMbadge_zpsf095377d.jpg

Becks Kao Ben Kao Family life as we know it Milestones and growing up Mommy guilt The Kao Kids

Mealtime woes: finding new ways to win this war

February 7, 2013

I’m officially raising the white flag in the battle of wills at mealtimes. You see, despite my efforts in making things like these…

More pretty food

…the kids still aren’t very keen to eat or feed themselves. They don’t want to sit at the dinner table and finish their food. They want to play and have me feed them while they are at it. I’ve compromised my standards of table etiquette and manners. For a while now, I’ve stopped making bentos (they didn’t care much for it anyway!) and I’ve allowed them to play with their Lego Duplo every evening while I sit next to them and feed them.

Because they run around with the Lego they construct, I’ve found it really tiring to feed them. Dinner can last as long as an hour. I’m sure if I ran along and chased them, it would take less than that but I’m too lazy and I refuse to set a precedence for that. Instead I’ve settled for the ‘you come for your next mouthful to where I’m sitting when you’re done chewing’ rule.

So I’ve restrategised to minimise my anguish at dinner time for now just so we can get through this. So yes, *gasp*… I’ve turned on the tv and am allowing tv time during dinner time. One episode of Word World every evening. For now.

Ben and Becks and TV

So far, they’re not gagging and fussing, and with their eyes peeled to the tv screen, they hardly even care what they are eating. I get to sit down without them running around and finish my job of feeding in about 30 minutes. I’ve also managed to shove a lot more “unpleasant” Chinese food into their mouths – things that they dislike – like the luffa, beef stew and chicken. Plus, they are learning how to spell watching the show.

But it’s not a strategy I’m comfortable with and I would be rethinking it as soon as the stay-home gig kicks in in March this year. Research has shown that TV interferes with the natural cues children’s bodies send them about whether they are full, and can lead them to overeat or undereat (Source:

I may have lost this battle, but the war ain’t over yet.

Becks Kao Happy days Love language Milestones and growing up

You, me and our special time

February 6, 2013

The biggest challenge of parenting, in my opinion, is to always make sure that our children’s emotional love tanks are full. When we see a kid act up a lot, that’s a sure sign that his love tank is depleting and needs replenishing. A child misbehaving with a problem that calls for discipline is usually an empty love tank problem. This is when we would remember the good advice of a wise someone.

Long before we became parents, someone wise once told us that apart from spending quality time together as a family, we need to make time for alone-time with our children, one on one. The parent is to give the individual child unreserved affection, and lots of eye contact and focused attention during these parent-child dates.

For us, this means that we get six possible variations with three kids – Mama and Ben, Dad and Ben; Mama and Becks, Dad and Becks; Mama and Nat, Dad and Nat – just so all kids get alone time with both parents.

This also means I wish I had more than 24 hours a day. While it is impossible to work out the six permutations every day, we try to schedule in time alone with each child when we can, and if we need to.

Lately, Becks has been throwing a lot more tantrums than usual and clamming up, grunting and whining more than she talks. Her teachers at daycare have also been commenting that she’s been crying for no reason during meal times and after her nap, and she’s been wailing “I want Mama” every day when she’s at school. At home, whenever I spoke to her, she would refuse to reply me or smile.

Red light alert. It’s time for some time together, just me and her.

So I picked her up alone after her nap at childcare last Friday. She was shocked to see me and searched around for her father and brother.

“Becks, would you like to have ‘special time’ with Mama, just me and you?” I asked.

“Where’s Dada?” was her reply.

“No Dada. We’re going out alone, ok?”

It took some time for her to change from grumpy to happy but as we walked out of school, there was a skip in her steps.

I took her by bus to one of the ice cream joints along Upper Thomson. It was her first time on a public bus. We sat together, looking out of the window and holding hands all the way. I think she was very glad to be given all the attention that afternoon.

We went to Neli’s Ice Cream and had waffles with sea salt chocolate and vanilla ice cream. She ate happily and we took some happy pictures together.

Becks @ Neli's Ice Cream

Becks eating ice cream @ Neli's

Mama and Becks @ Special Time

We then took a long walk to Thomson Plaza. Along the way, she kept talking and asking me questions. I haven’t heard her yak so much in a while so it was refreshing to hear her as she spoke randomly. We did some shopping together and enjoyed each other’s company; well, at least I did!

I think her love tank was filled up that day with a bus ride, an ice cream, a long walk and some new clothes. Yay!

Happy Becks

Becks Kao Milestones and growing up The darndest kid quotes and antics

Return of Lil’ Miss Bossy Becks

February 4, 2013

You really need to live with us to know how this little girl bosses us around every day. Here’s just a glimpse of what happens on a daily basis.

You better make sure

Fatherkao had just returned home from a hard day’s work…

Becks: Are you going to bathe?

Fatherkao: Yes

Becks: Make sure you wash your face!

Fatherkao: Ok

Becks: Make sure you wash your hair!

Fatherkao: Ok

Becks: Make sure you pass urine!

Fatherkao: ??!!!???!!!

Little Miss B, the disciplinarian

Becks: Ok, let’s play this game! (takes out the Angry Birds 3D game set)

Nat: Urgwakkkaaaa (proceeds to destroy what she’s laid out)

Becks: Ooi, didi!! WASSUP? You dare to make a mess! Do you want me to discipline you?

Me: *facepalm*

 Hair Affair

Becks: Mama, can I comb your hair?

Me: Since it’s a question, can I say no? Every time you comb my hair, you yank it and it hurts.


Me: WHY??

Becks: Because it’s TOO LONG!

Me: -_-


Lil’ Bossy Becks and her ultimate cuteness

Becks Kao Learning fun! Milestones and growing up The darndest kid quotes and antics

Little blue and little yellow (plates), by Becks Kao

January 26, 2013

My kids love Leo Lionni’s little blue and little yellow, a cute story of how two best friends discover something amazing happens when they hug. They make me read the story again and again, in English and Chinese (mostly in English), and remain ever so fascinated by the simplicity of how blue and yellow can give us the colour green.

Little Blue & Little Yellow_Leo Leonni

Just last weekend, my daughter decided to skip her nap, and while all of us were fast asleep, she took hold of my craft box, selected blue and yellow paint from my stash, and went wild mixing the colours on paper plates.

Little Blue & Little Yellow, by Becks Kao

Little Blue & Little Yellow, by Becks Kao

When I got up, she saw me and went, “See, Mama! Little Blue and Little Yellow!” I went beserk initially at the mess and the fact that she ransacked what was forbidden to her, but calmed down quickly cos’ what she did, well, it was kinda cute. I would have never allowed her to do this while I am awake so it was good that she did it while I was sleeping!

Becks Kao Ben Kao Invites & Tryouts Reviews

Hamster food can be tasty too! [In support of Rise & Shine]

January 21, 2013

The Rise & Shine Breakfast Team recently gave me an almost impossible task. They delivered a pack of granola to my home, as part of the Rise & Shine Breakfast Campaign, which is a community effort that aims to promote healthy breakfast eating on a daily basis among children aged 4 to 12.

I say it’s impossible because granola is something my kids think hamsters eat.

Rise & Shine Breakfast Pack

My kids, Ben, Becks and Nat, eat their breakfast every day. If they are in daycare (which will continue for only two more months), the school serves a variety of breakfast food ranging from oatmeal to egg sandwiches. Baby Nat gets brown rice cereal every day too. On weekends, we look forward to getting our local fare fix. I take them to the wet market and hawker centres and they get their tastebuds localised to the deliciousness in kway chap, wanton mee, fried carrot cake and kaya toast. They meet Milo Dinosaur and Rose Bandung, and on rare occasions, Ronald MacDonald’s. On rainy days, we stay home and I make them pancakes or mushi-pan.

I assure you they still eat healthy – I trim the fats in their kway chap, add water to the bandung and remove the generous slabs of butter in their kaya toast.

But the Rise & Shine Breakfast Team clearly had a MUCH healthier alternative in mind when they sent me a pack of granola.

In the spirit of eating healthier for breakfast, I got the kids to try some granola last Saturday. It was a rainy morning, so we stayed home and had some hot pancakes topped with yogurt ice cream with granola sprinkles.

Star pancakes with yogurt ice cream and granola toppings

The kids were very excited to be having ice cream on a cold day and took their first few bites with much enthusiasm.

Ben & his granola breakfast

The verdict? Fatherkao and Ben went yums and loved the crunch of the granola with its rolled oats, dried fruits and nuts. As for Becks, she announced after three mouthfuls, “I don’t like the beans. Gimme the ice cream.” By beans, she meant the rolled oats. I had myself a hearty and healthy breakfast too, cleaning up her “beans” and eating the leftover pancakes!

More information:
  • The Rise & Shine Breakfast Campaign is a community effort by a group of final year students from NTU Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information that hopes to raise awareness of healthy breakfast eating among children. Their efforts include ambient installations at libraries, malls and primary schools, storytelling sessions, educational theatre performances and cooking demos. Find out more at The site also features healthy breakfast recipes you can create for your kids.


  • Rise & Shine is a nationwide campaign supported by government agencies and prominent partners aimed at helping parents raise healthier and happier kids.


  • The Rise & Shine Carnival is happening on 3rd March 2013 at The Lawn @ Marina Bay. There are grand plans to set the record for the Largest Breakfast Picnic Event in Singapore! Check out for more details.

Becks Kao Ben Kao Going Out! Happy days The darndest kid quotes and antics

The supermarket adventures of the conehead duo

January 10, 2013

One of the things I find extremely therapeutic is to push a trolley down supermarket aisles. Before I had kids, I looked forward to that quite a bit every week.

Now with three kids in tow, grocery shopping is a whole new experience altogether. When we do lug the kids along, there’s just so much to do. I can no longer zone out and just look at things. I gotta strategise and plan my shopping route. Get the items on the checklist. Check out the weekly offers to stock up. Dettol, detergent, toilet paper, tissue boxes, frozen food, wet wipes, fresh milk, tofu and Sakura chicken – grab these standard items every trip and stock ’em all up if they are cheap. I gotta make sure all bladders (mine included) are emptied before the kids are chucked in the trolley. I gotta make sure they keep their fingers to themselves and have enough entertainment to last about an hour while I push around at breakneck speed.

Sometimes, I break up fights and end up pushing two trolleys, a mean feat if I’m alone; a meaner one if I’m alone and wearing the baby. Some days I abandon all groceries and flail my arms like an insane woman if one of them has to poo or pee. But now with experience and tricks to avert disaster under my sleeves, I’d get them some ice-cream or finger food to eat so they’d sit quietly in the trolley for a good 15 minutes.

Going to the supermarket is spelled F-U-N for Ben and Becks. They’ve had much fun sampling all sorts of finger food, melting aunties’ hearts by cheekily waving and saying hi to random strangers, pinched and stabbed their fingers into tomatoes, carrots, apples and mushrooms, squealed at live crabs, butchered frog legs and fishes awaiting their deaths in the tanks, and playing with plastic bags, using them as gloves, socks and helmets. Yes, apologies to my tree hugging friends, but I’ve resorted to giving them plastic bags to play with to keep them out of mischief.

Yesterday, everyone who saw them in the trolley did a little giggle and gave me a sympathetic nod.

Bored kids Ben & Becks

These two alien coneheads made their day, I’m sure. They made mine too. I wouldn’t say it’s therapeutic now but I’m certainly laughing a lot more bringing them out grocery shopping.

P/S: We know the risk of giving a plastic bag to a child and have explained to the kids about the danger of suffocation. Which is why they did a “Look Ma, it’s on our heads and not over our faces – duh!”.