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Learning fun! Motherkao loves... Product Reviews

Want a wocket in your pocket? Featuring a Dr Seuss’s boardbook giveaway

January 27, 2013
Dr Seuss
Well, what can I say, ever since those board books arrived
We’ve been reading and laughing and wanting to jive
It’s been awesome and so much fun
Reading each book every night one by one
They made us laugh till our faces turned blue
And got us excited that words just flew
Becks is two-half and Ben’s turning four
They want Dr Seuss and keep asking for more
These books, they are timeless; I read them as a kid
And now I’m reading to mine, what wonders it did
They love Hop on Pop, Fox in Socks and Mr Brown Can Moo,
I can’t wait to read more to them, and I know they can’t wait too!

Dr Seuss board books

We bought Dr Seuss’s board books and flip-the-flap books from, and have been enjoying them ever since. The good people at are giving away There’s a Wocket in my Pocket! (worth $10.90) to one lucky reader of Motherkao! To participate in the giveaway, all you need to do is to perform these three simple steps:

1) LIKE Lilbookworm on Facebook

2) LIKE Motherkao’s Facebook page if you’ve not already done so

3) Leave a comment here telling us why you love Dr Seuss (better still, do it in rhyme!)

Don’t forget to leave your email address so we can contact you if you win! Giveaway ends 5 February 2013. A winner will be randomly picked by one Kao kid!

I hope you’re a Dr Seuss fan, you’d better not bluff
so let’s get rhyming silly with this crazy stuff!


UPDATE: We’ve picked a winner! Congrats, Shu Qing, we’ll be in touch!

Motherkao loves...

A hoofprint for my heart

January 17, 2013

This is Dell. Isn’t she beautiful?


A dream came true last week. I (finally) went horseback riding. Thanks to a Groupon offer by Singapore Turf Club Riding Centre, I fulfilled my childhood dream. It was 20 minutes of pure bliss.

Riding at STC Riding Centre

When the introductory lesson ended, I felt a little sad to part with this beauty. She was a feisty and spirited one, I tell you; I could tell just by riding her.

Riding Dell

So wanna pick up horse-riding and start lessons!

Everyday fun! Family life as we know it Fatherkao loves... Motherkao loves... The Kao Kids

Of wet weather plans, exercising and ROFL

January 2, 2013

The tv’s turned on in the house again.

Nope, I’m still the nazi mother that I am with the tv ban on regular tv programming. It’s now switched on for a different reason. A dear friend blessed us with an Xbox 360 Kinect and we’ve been having so much fun as a family, as well as with friends who came over to visit during the festive season. The weather’s been wet last month and the kids’ been so bummed not being able to go to the playground or run around wildly in the park. So we’ve been home playing Kinect Sports and Fruit Ninja a lot these days and laughing at one another till we are rolling on the floor with stitches in our abdomens. Totally entertaining to see each other throw the javelin, box, sprint, dance and slice fruits.

Ben and Fatherkao sprinting away!

Ben and Fatherkao sprinting away!

Oh yes, I also happen to be holding my husband hostage now with a video of him dancing to “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”. Hur hur hur. I love the Xbox 360 already! Come to think of it, there’s just so many things to blackmail him with. Such a great start to my new year!

Christmas happiness Food, glorious food! Motherkao loves... Product Reviews

Eat well this Christmas: featuring Preparazzi [plus a giveaway]

December 1, 2012

[Product / Service Review]

It’s hard enough to be juggling a full-time job and minding three kids. It’s even harder if you expect a mother like me who’s trying to get her juggling act together to serve up piping hot homecooked food for dinner every day or host a party with homemade meals. Or ask me to plan how to celebrate Mother’s Day / Father’s Day / Mom’s birthday / Dad’s birthday / In-law’s birthday / whatever Day for the extended family.

So it’ll be great if someone could deliver healthy gourmet food to my doorstep (sick of pizzas and curry chicken in a bun already!); or better still, prepare the food, semi-cook it, and let me do the last minute heating up and garnishing so I can look good and get all the credit.

Enter Preparazzi. I’ve been calling them for help every time I need to have gourmet food delivered to my doorstep.

For Father’s Day last year, as of every year, the extended family stayed in the comfort of home and feasted away. Preparazzi did all the slicing, dicing and seasoning. All we needed to do was to pop the chicken and the accompanying sides into the oven. We ate healthy, fuss-free.

The birds were seasoned and the vegetables were prepped for us

There was also glutinous rice stuffing in the juicy chicken!

For my mother’s birthday last year, we had their signature roast pork crackling with caramel apples, specially seasoned with Preparazzi’s very own spice. For that one, we just reheated when we were ready to eat. Didn’t work up a single drop of sweat in the kitchen at all. Mom loves Asian flavours and this dish had the whiff of it fused to the aromas of the roasted pork and spicy apples. Absolutely mind-blowing.

Preparazzi’s Signature Roast Pork Crackling, photo courtesy of Preparazzi

When I lost my appetite in the first trimester while preggers with Becks, Preparazzi’s home delivery service brought me gourmet tingkat for a while every day. I could even make special requests – like if I didn’t want to have spices added to the mains that particular day, or when I preferred to skip fish and have chicken instead. It was like having a personal butler, and it was nice to be pampered this way, at least for a while. The only work I ever did was to pop the food into the microwave as instructed.

Chicken Rendang, photo courtesy of Preparazzi

Preparazzi offers a service that deals with all the fuss and mess so that you can enjoy the fun bits of cooking and entertaining. They prep the food in cooked or ready-to-cook options, just so you get to impress. Their goal is to help people cook, eat and entertain better, which is perfect for busy people! What’s even better is that they scour the region for the freshest produce and choicest gourmet foods, and blacklist preservatives and additives, just so you can be assured that every bite you take is of the highest purity. I can attest to that: I’ve had their food on many occasions and so far, I’ve not been disappointed. So if you’re hosting a get-together this festive season, or any celebration, big or small, you can just give these folks a call and they will show up with great food at your doorstep.


*Yay, it’s time to do a giveaway!*

This Christmas, be the star at your dinner party.  Preparazzi’s bespoke culinary services include a well-appointed delivery service, an indulgent bar and bistro dining experience and of course, a luxurious private chef service for a plush night in. Check out their Christmas party packages and other festive goodies here.

Gula Melaka Caramel Glazed Ham (1kg) $58

Roast Turkey with Traditional Sausage and Walnut Stuffing, Gravy and Cranberry Jam (4kg) $220

Specially for the readers of this blog, order from Preparazzi’s Gourmet Delivery Menu and get a 15% discount for your orders. Quote “KAO” at the voucher portion when you check out.

Preparazzi is also doing a giveaway just for Motherkao’s readers! Win their 2kg Signature Roast Pork Crackling (worth $80), redeemable only in January 2013.

This is how you can stand a chance to win in 4 simple steps:

1) LIKE Preparazzi’s Facebook Page

2) LIKE Motherkao’s Facebook Page (if you’ve not already done so!)

3) Leave a comment on this blog telling me how you would define eating well.

4) Leave your name and email address (only if you want to be contacted if you win!)

Giveaway closes on 16 December 2012. A winner will be picked at random. 

UPDATE: And we’ve picked a winner at random! Congratulations to Dominique! Preparazzi will be in touch with you shortly. Enjoy the roast pork crackling!

**Disclosure: I did not receive any monetary compensation for this post. All text and opinions are solely based on my experience using Preparazzi’s gourmet home delivery service and dining at their bistro.**

Becks Kao Motherkao loves... Product Reviews

A dragon for the princess

November 22, 2012
My mommy’s won a backpack
From another mommy blog she read
She meant it for the baby
But now it’s mine instead
She said it was a pity
If we waited months to use
Twas’ such a tempting offer
Something I just couldn’t refuse!
So in goes my favourite Honey Stars
And many other things
It’s now my little trusty bag
Though I’d wished it came in pink
The dragon’s really kinda cute
I’m growing to love it so
I hear it’s “Limited Edition”
So you bet it’s gonna follow me
Everywhere I go!

*We won a Limited Edition Skiphop Zoo Pack “Dragon” (Little Kid Backpack), courtesy of MummyMoo and JED Packs! JED Packs will be having their Christmas Fair @ The Orchard Hotel (The Ballroom & Lavender Room) this December (4th, 5th). Check out more Zoo Packs and other pretty things for the little ones there! More info on their fb page here.*

** Disclosure: We received no monetary compensation for this post; all opinions and texts are Motherkao and Princesskao’s own.**

(P/S: I really wanted to keep it for Baby Nat, since he’s born in the year of the dragon; but oh well, anything to make the princess-her-royal-highness happy. She looks great carrying it anyway!)

Motherkao loves... The Kao Kids

Hooked on shisha

October 7, 2012

Some of my friends have tried it for fun and loved it. I never did try; flavored tobacco through a waterpipe is still tobacco. I’m referring to the shisha, also known as the hookah.

But lately, I had to do it; I didn’t have much of a choice. The littlest one was all clogged up and my PD recommended this contraption to help ease his congestion.

I call this my “mucus shisha”.

Going Out! Motherkao loves...

We heart the heartlands

August 15, 2012

If the wet markets ever vanished from the face of this city, I’ll pack up my bags and go for good. The heartland neighbourhoods with the all-too-familiar wet markets and hawker centres reveal such a paradoxical mix of the old and new. They showcase the richness and complexities of our heritage, culture and traditions and what truly is Singapore. It is one place you must visit to see the Singaporeanness in Singapore. It is in the heartland neighbourhood that you will find the original kway chap, wanton mee and fried carrot cake (forget about foodcourts!). Here, you can get a big glass of soybean milk for only sixty cents and order “Michael Jackson” with a straight face without being laughed at, with the same amount of money. “Michael Jackson”, for the uninitiated, is plain grass jelly (known as chin chow) mixed with soybean milk. It’s only in Singapore we find such humor and inventiveness.

We’ve been exploring the wet markets near us lately, mainly because we needed to hunt for shrimps, water snails and tubifex worms for the puffer fish and terrapins in our aquarium. And what better time to show our kids the real Singapore beneath the shiny veneer of our bustling, commercialised city, with this month being Singapore’s birthday month.

During the National Day weekend, we checked out the wet market at Ang Mo Kio Avenue 4 for brine shrimps to feed our puffer fish. We found an old uncle running a pet stall in the wet market, selling all sorts of tropical fish, shrimps, mealworms, mice and dwarf hamsters. Just next to him is another lady also selling pets. She has goldfish, puffers, terrapins and more dwarf hamsters. There, the kids squealed and jumped around in excitement looking at pets in a wet market. They also drank sugarcane juice, soybean milk and ate soursop ice jelly.

And only in the heartlands do you meet people who think they’ve known you forever. A few grannies smiled at me and approached me (at different times of our stroll there) to check if the two kids running around were mine; and upon seeing another one being strapped to my chest proceed to exclaim in disbelief that I was a rarity on Planet Singapore to have three kids so close together. It is in the heartlands I get a pat on the back for boosting the national birth rate.

Ben Kao Milestones and growing up Motherkao loves... Nat Kao

You’ll always have a place in my heart

July 31, 2012

These are my boys.

My firstborn and my littlest. Amidst the challenges I’ve been facing with their sister, the middle child, they’ve been the loveliest and most patient to have around. They wait their turn to get Mama, they play by themselves and with each other. Ben, my eldest, always has a smile on his face, a skip in his step and a question to ask. He follows instructions, listens to good reason and shows his love for the people in the house in his own little ways.

Baby Nat has been having a viral infection with a bad combination of mild fever, runny nose and whooping cough. He’s been wakeful every possible hour because it’s been just hard to go to sleep with a cough as bad as his. And yet, he always, always, always has a little grin on his face for anyone who asks how he is doing.

These are the two sweetest babies a mother would ever know.

Food, glorious food! Motherkao loves... The real supermom

Stressed is desserts spelled backwards

July 8, 2012

What do you do when you’re stressed out?

Some people go for a run. A friend of mine does yoga. My husband shuts himself out from the world and takes long baths.

I scrub toilets with a toothbrush. And bake.

It usually has to follow this order: I’ll need to vent my frustrations so whenever I feel stressed, I’ll typically be found scrubbing the tiles on bathroom walls and floors with an old toothbrush. I see grime, I begin cleaning with sheer brute force. Then I’ll feel much better. To complete the de-stressing, I ransack the larder to see what I have and bake something. Anything. There’s something calming about throwing butter, sugar, eggs and flour in a mixer and seeing batter turn into something pretty and yummy. It takes the edge off the stress, at least for me.

Now, with three kids, it’s much harder to perform this ritual. I’ve been so wound up lately. And it’s been so hard to move on without scrubbing the toilet and baking a cake.

So with the Youth Day holiday being a good break for me, I did what I needed to. I scrubbed. And I baked a cheesecake.

The cream cheese was left to soften at room temperature for three hours. The preparation took one hour and the baking took another. Then I left the cake in the oven to cool for another six; after which, the cake was refrigerated overnight. The recipe I used was easy to follow and the result was a mouth-watering slice of dessert everyday for the next one week.

Now to burn off the calories. Perhaps I could do with more toilet scrubbing.

Motherkao loves...

Craving for something homemade

May 21, 2012

Sung to the tune of “O Christmas Tree”:

Baking 2
O KitchenAid, O KitchenAid!
How awfully I’ve missed you;
O KitchenAid, O KitchenAid!
Look, how much dust you’ve gathered;
We’ve had much fun before the kids,
Churning out tasty little treats
KitchenAid, O KitchenAid!
How awfully I’ve missed you!
KitchenAid, O KitchenAid!
O how I wish to use you!
KitchenAid, O KitchenAid!
You should have batter in you;
It’s really cold to sit alone
We should be churning tarts and scones
KitchenAid, O KitchenAid!
I’ll very soon be with you!

Baking 1