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Very addictive pork rolls called the Ngoh Hiang

June 2, 2013

Ngoh Hiang

I finally made ngoh hiang, and am now proud to call myself a real Hokkien mama! For the uninitiated, ngoh hiang is a delicious fried pork roll dish that is unique to the Hokkien and Teochew dialect, and is essentially a composition of fatty minced pork and prawn, seasoned with five-spice powder (after which the dish is named) rolled in beancurd skin. The dish is usually served with ketchup manis (or sweet sauce) and chilli, and eaten together with other items like the century egg, deep fried beancurd, ginger, cucumber and fried prawn fritters.

Every Hokkien and Teochew mother I know knows how to make this. My grandmother did. My mother and aunts still do. With pride. They’ve all diced and minced and rolled many, many, ngoh hiangs in their lifetime. And it is of utmost urgency I know how to. How else can I join the league of these mothers who churn out such unforgettable, flavourful pork rolls?

As a child (and even now), I could sit at the table all day eating these juicy, chunky meat rolls on end, never finding the will power to stop. It is my desire that this is a dish my children would remember me by, and would remember eating it with so much fondness.

Ngoh Hiang (Recipe makes about 12 six-inch rolls.) I dumped most of the work to my new Philips Jamie Oliver Food Processor – the chestnuts and onion were chopped in seconds. Review coming up soon!


  • About 500g minced pork (or get a slab of the shoulder for its higher fat content and make your food processor do the work!)
  • 250g of fresh shrimp, shelled and minced
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tbsp light soya sauce
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground white pepper
  • 1 tsp five-spice powder (I got mine from Hock Hua for 80 cents!)
  • 12 water chestnuts, washed, peeled and ground
  • 1 yellow onion, minced
  • 3 tbsp plain flour
  • Dried beancurd skin, cut into 6×6 inch rectangles)
  • Corn oil / canola oil / sunflower oil
  • Sweet sauce (and chilli) for dipping
  • You can also add finely chopped spring onions or leeks if you prefer


1) Mix the pork and shrimp in a large bowl and add the beaten egg. Stir to mix. In a small bowl, stir together the soya sauce, salt, white pepper, five-spice powder, then add it to the pork and shrimp mix.

2) Stir in the finely chopped water chestnuts, onion (and leeks/ spring onion) and mix to distribute the ingredients evenly.

3) Sift in the flour and mix thoroughly.

Making Ngoh Hiang 1

4) Lay out the prepared skins on the tabletop with damp palms. Arrange a heaping tablespoon of the pork mix along the longer edge of the skin. Shape the meat as you would a slim sausage.

5) Tuck in the side edges, then roll the skin starting with the edge closest to you. I followed the step-by-step tutorial from Little Teochew. Roll till the meat is fully wrapped, and place it seam down on a plate.

TIP: To reduce the saltiness of the skin, you can try wiping the skin very carefully with a damp clean cloth. Or try asking the Chinese grocery store for a brand of beancurd skin which is not so salty. The folks there oughtta know. (Credits: Motherkao’s Supermom)

6) Steam the rolls for 10 minutes, until the skins are translucent and the rolls are firm. Cool rolls on wire racks.

Making Ngoh Hiang 2

7) To fry them, cover the surface of a non-stick pan with just enough oil and pan-fry away. Handle about 3 – 5 at a time, depending on the size of your pan. Remember not to overcrowd your pan. Fry on medium heat until you see skins turn dark, crisp brown.

TIP: You can wipe down the pan with paper towels after each batch before cooking the next to prevent your rolls from getting burnt. I didn’t bother. Was in a hurry to eat!

Making Ngoh Hiang 3

8) Leave the rolls to cool on paper towels. Slice them into 1-inch chunks and nomnomnom away with the dipping sauce. Enjoy!

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Motherkao loves... Motherkao's recipes

Light cream cheese pound

May 17, 2013

I crave for this ever so often and find myself needing to bake this and have it as a staple in my fridge! Ben, Becks and Nat love the deliciousness of this pound cake. It’s got a semi-dense texture that’s oh-so-yummy when served warm with a cold glass of fresh milk.

I have Gninethree to thank for her recipe. This is my modified version, all because I cannot get enough of cream cheese!

Cream Cheese Pound Cake (Recipe makes 1 huge mama in a square pan)

Getting ready for the oven


    • 1 1/2 cup plain flour
    • 1/2 tsp baking powder
    • 1/4 tsp baking soda
    • 1/4 tsp salt
    • 150g unsalted butter, room temperature
    • 1 pack of Philadelphia cream cheese, 220g
    • 1/2 cup castor sugar
    • 3 large eggs
    • 1/2 tsp vanilla essence
    • Lemon or orange zest

You will also need: a square pan


1) Preheat the oven to 175ºC. Grease and line square pan.

2) In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.

3) Whisk cream cheese and butter with an electric whisk or hand whisk until smooth.

4) Add the sugar in three additions, beating well after each addition. Continue beating until light and fluffy.

5) Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add vanilla essence and lemon zest and beat until incorporated.

6) Add the flour mixture and mix until incorporated. Pour the batter into the square pan and smooth the top.

7) Bake for 50 minutes and check for overbrowning.

8) Remove from oven and cool for 20 minutes (this will allow the cake to set).

9)  Slice and enjoy!

Cream cheese pound cake fresh from the oven

Cream cheese pound cake

Also linking up with:

Motherkao loves... The real supermom

The Mama song

May 11, 2013

To celebrate Mother’s Day, I taught my children a simple song. They are to sing this every day, rain or shine. They are to sing it after every time-out and whenever they misbehave. Most importantly, they are to sing it every Mother’s Day. With gusto.

The Mama Song (to the tune of Row, row, row your boat)

Mama song 1

Mama song 2

Mama song 3

Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful Mamas out there! You deserve to have your kids sing you this!

Motherkao loves... Motherkao's recipes

A slice of sunshine – the citrus sunbeam layer cake

May 10, 2013

On rainy days, where it’s a little too dark and gloomy for us to stay home, I try to make life brighter by baking cheery, happy things.

I came across this recipe from one of my favourite magazines, Cake Heaven, and modified it as a four-layer instead of a six-layer cake. I don’t have too much space in the refrigerator for such a tall cake!

Citrus sunbeam_Cake Heaven

Citrus Sunbeam Layer Cake (Recipe makes 1 with 4 layers)


    • 400g unsalted butter, softened
    • 400g caster sugar
    • 6 large eggs
    • 499g self-raising flour, sifted
    • grated zest of 1 lemon and 1 orange
    • yellow and orange gel paste food colouring
    • 2 tbsp. of milk (optional)
    • 1 tsp of lemon essence and 1 tsp of orange essence (optional)

For the frosting:

    • 125g unsalted butter, softened
    • 250g cream cheese, straight from the fridge
    • 500g icing sugar, sifted

You will also need: round 9″ baking tins (4 if you have!), baking paper and 2 small bowls


1) Preheat the oven to 190ºC. Grease and line 4 round tins. Beat the butter and sugar in a bowl with wooden spoon or an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Beat the eggs in a jug and gently add them to the creamed mixture, beating all the time and adding some flour to prevent curdling. Fold in remaining flour.

2) Divide the mixture in half. Add the lemon zest and a teaspoon of yellow gel paste to one half (with lemon essence too, if you prefer); add the orange zest, a teaspoon of orange gel paste (with orange essence if you prefer) to the other half. I added a tbsp of milk to each bowl for equivalent consistency.

3) Divide the mixture between the tins, spreading it evenly. Bake the layers individually or in batches. I made four layers with this recipe. I guess if you have smaller tins, you could make 6.

4) Bake in the oven for 10 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Be careful not to overbake or the cake will be dry. Leave to cool in tin for a few minutes, then turn out onto baking paper set on wire rack to cool completely.

5) While the cake layers are cooling, make the frosting. (The original recipe called for syrup made with lemon juice, Limoncello and sugar but I skipped that.) Beat the butter with with an electric whisk, then add cream cheese and beat until smooth. Gradually sift the icing sugar and beat until the mixture is light and fluffy. Place in the fridge for a few minutes to firm up if it’s a little runny or add more sifted icing sugar if it’s too runny.

6) Assemble the cake by placing an orange cake layer on a cake stand and cover it with a thin layer of frosting. Repeat with the remaining layers, alternating the yellow and the orange sponge.

Citrus sunbeam_Frosting the cake

7) Cover the top and side with remaining frosting. Decorate with a little zest if desired.

8) Slice and enjoy.

Citrus sunbeam_a slice of sunshine

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Going Out! Motherkao loves...

Make a bus fun?

May 9, 2013

I’ve been bus-sing with the kids every day and getting a lot of stares.

Every day, we walk to the bus stop behind our place to take a public bus. The wait is usually short if we catch it on time; we’d have to wait in the sweltering heat for a good 12 minutes before the next one comes if we don’t. The ride is 15 minutes and the walk to kindy is usually another 8 minutes.

I do this fives times a week, rain or shine, to save money on school bus. I’ve recently started babywearing Nat and bringing him along because the house needs to be cleaned, his lunch needs to be cooked and he can no longer entertain himself while the helper does all that because of his severe separation anxiety. He starts wailing when we leave, and the helper can do nothing except to carry him till I return.

So picture a frazzled mother with a baby in a carrier, a bag on her shoulders, two schoolbags on her arms, holding hands with two children. When I get up the bus, my son taps the EZ link card for me and we struggle to find our balance on a moving vehicle to get a seat – er, no – three seats.

When we get our seats, I’ve to constantly stop the kids from morphing into gibbons.

Then when I look around, I see everyone staring at me. We usually sit at the back where the seats face each other, and I find myself an object of scrutiny by many pairs of eyes.

They look at me. They look at the children. They look at the baby. Then they look at me again.

On rare occasions, some elderly folk would give me a sympathetic smile, but most of the time, everyone just stares at us.

Do you know how impossible it is to get children to sit still and keep quiet for more than 5 minutes? You should have seen the kids on their first few rides – they were too loud, too fidgety and too noisy. They sang ‘Wheels on the Bus’ the whole time, and I could do nothing to contain their excitement.

What’s even more embarrassing: once the bus driver stopped the bus and scolded Ben for kneeling on his seat, instead of sitting down properly.

So here, I have a proposal for the authorities and the bus companies. How about having a little play area for young children on the bus and have just a couple of them ply through some major routes at specific times, say late mornings, after peak hours?

Or how about having some of our buses turn into some major playground fun like the Kids Play Bus in Ireland? Way too cool huh!

A small kids’ corner will certainly be free entertainment for anyone on the bus. It’s better than frantically scrolling our phones and doing damage to our eyes. It gives tired mothers some breathing time and perhaps, even ten minutes of shut-eye. It gives the young ones an outlet to expend their energy while on the move.

Heck, I don’t even mind paying more to get up on this bus.

Just suggesting.

Motherkao loves... Product Reviews

Human Nature: Tender loving care made so affordable

May 7, 2013

The heat’s been crazy, and the kids’ been taking at least three showers a day.

Anything fewer than this number would usually result in super sticky stinky kids.

Which is why it’s so important that the soap they use during their baths has got to make them smell really nice and not be harsh on their delicate skin.

Thanks to Human Nature who recently sent the Kao kids their premium bath products, we’ve found the best smelling top-to-toe wash ever and some TLC for the baby (more on that later), and the best thing is, I don’t have to worry about it stripping the natural oils off their skin.

I’ve heard and read so much about Human Nature, a brand of natural cosmetics that was established to help provide a livelihood for Gawad Kalinga residents in the Philippines and support Filipino farmers by sourcing natural raw material locally. Human Nature’s products are free from harmful chemicals and do not contain sodium laureth sulfate, or sodium lauryl ether sulfate, (an inexpensive but carcinogenic foaming agent), parabens (a commonplace preservative which is becoming increasingly controversial because it’s been found in breast cancer tumours – yikes!), phthalates (mainly used as plasticizers), or mineral oil (clogs pores if it’s not highly refined and purified).

I’m someone who reads the label very closely and try not to buy products with these chemicals since a long time ago; but I tell you, it sure is getting increasingly difficult to buy all these organic, natural stuff without the hefty price tag these days. So imagine my surprise when I found out how affordable Human Nature’s products are.

For less than $25, Human Nature’s three-step Baby Care can cleanse, moisturise and protect the little one with most natural ingredients. To me, that’s cheap – and good!

HN 3Step Baby Care

Baby Wash with Lavender, Rosemary and Chamomile ($7.90), 100% Natural Baby Lotion ($8.90) and 100% Baby Oil ($7.90) made of sunflower oil

And of course, Nat got to try the three-step Baby Care out.

*Warning: pictures of naked baby to follow*

I found the Baby Wash really gentle on the baby’s skin. The liquid hardly lathered, which was a good sign (to me) that no sodium laureth sulfate was used to make this. Plus, I didn’t have to worry about all the foamy bubbles getting into Nat’s eyes while I washed those few strands of hair. The Lavender, Rosemary and Chamomile combo made it sound as if I was washing my kid with all my favourite types of tea – nice!

HN Baby Wash

After the bath, I used the light and refreshing Baby Lotion which contained aloe and avocado. I was expecting a strong scent to overwhelm my senses while I slathered the lotion on the baby, but all I could pick up was the sweet, sweet smell of a baby. The lotion had the scent of baby powder, and I couldn’t help dousing my littlest in it – oh, how I missed him smelling like this!

HN Baby Lotion

Now comes the oil. I don’t usually use oil on my kids cos’ it leaves a yucky feeling on them and on my hands. I was assured that the Baby Oil is extremely light and doesn’t clog pores, and most importantly, that studies have shown that massaging babies with sunflower oil lessens the risk of them developing skin infections.

HN Baby Oil

So I used it to massage his scalp and the scabs Nat’s gotten by scratching himself silly, as well as his diaper area like I would a diaper cream.

HN Baby Oil for Nat's scabs

HN Baby Oil on scalp

The oil was indeed so light, I needn’t even wash my hands. The Baby Oil was quickly absorbed by the skin – both mine and Nat’s – and he wasn’t one oily gunk after the massage. I happily went on to do some foot reflexology for the older ones with the Baby Oil too.

Ben and Becks got to try the Kids Natural Shampoo and Body Wash in Tangerine Tarsier ($13.90 for 500ml) and it made them smell so yummilicious I couldn’t stop kissing their cheeks and ruffling their hair after their bath. I make them use the wash generously now on a hot day and whenever they come home perspiring and smelling like a sock that’s not been washed for a decade, and we’re absolutely loving the scent that’s filling the bathroom these days.

HN Kids Natural Shampoo & Body Wash

Oops sorry, not going to be showing pictures of naked children here.

Oh yes, can I also rave about something? This bottle of Calming Massage Oil, thoughtfully sent just for the tired mother with frazzled nerves (that is me) by Christine, the Director of Human Nature Singapore, really does what it claims to do. Smelling it and rubbing it on my tired shoulders really calms me and helps me unwind.

HN Calming Massage Oil

Made with lavender, orange and lemongrass essential oils, this is not greasy at all and contains no mineral oil with its yucky pore-clogging ability. It comes in a small handy 95ml bottle (and it’s only $4.95 now on their store) that can be so readily tucked into any bag. I actually bring it out now and make the therapist doing my facial use this when she does my hand, neck and head massages.

I’m thinking, this is the perfect gift to pamper any mother this Mother’s Day! Some calming massage oil and a good rub is really what makes any mother happy. For me, it’s this, plus uninterrupted pee time, thank you very much.

The products from Human Nature that we’ve received really impressed, and are indeed value for money. I like the fact that buying from them also means we’re supporting a social cause, and it’s our little way of giving back to society.

More details:

You can shop at the Human Nature Singapore online store and check out their range of products ranging from home care to mineral makeup. Just for readers of this blog, get a 20% off all products (except sale items) from the Human Nature from 7 to 9 May 2013. Use this code HNMK20 to check out.

Methinks there’s still time to get Mom something for Mother’s Day! Happy Shopping!

*Disclosure: We received the mentioned products from Human Nature Singapore for the purpose of this review. All opinions are Motherkao’s own.

Food, glorious food! Going Out! Motherkao loves...

The kids, me and Lipton tea

April 19, 2013

On the day I discovered I was pregnant with my first child, I went cold turkey and gave up one of the best things in my life – coffee.

That was also when I discovered the wonderful world of tea. I became an avid tea drinker after I gave up coffee, and fell in love with chamomile, rose, and lavender tea. These kept the terribleness of each first trimester at bay, and have helped calm me in many a frenzied moment in motherhood.

So when the kids and I were invited to Lipton’s world-first pop-up High Tea Bar at Plaza Singapura last night, I was especially thrilled. Lipton, the largest tea brand in the world (and the first brand of tea I ever tried as a kid!) is introducing its first ever High Tea Bar to bring the art and science of tea-pairing and quality tea choices closer to consumers and their lifestyles.

Lipton's first pop up high tea bar

Lipton’s first pop up High Tea Bar at Plaza Singapura

I don’t usually think hard if the dessert or food I order goes well with the tea I drink, so I thought I might learn a thing or two from the event. The High Tea Bar features 6 tea sets paired with Canelé’s Pâtisserie Chocolaterie’s sweet and savoury items, three of which have been specially customised by Canelé’s Executive Pastry Chef, Chef Christophe Grilo, and Unilever’s Food Technologist for Lipton, Miss Wong May Chee, for the Lipton High Tea Bar. At the event, these two experts also shared how tea-pairing with food is done.

One of the 6: Lipton Yellow Label Tea with Lemon Macarons

One of the 6: Lipton Yellow Label Tea with Lemon Macarons

One of the 6: Lipton Asian White Tea with Chestnut Cassis Sponge Cake

One of the 6: Lipton Asian White Tea with Chestnut Cassis Sponge Cake

Unfortunately for me, I got nothing out of their sharing because the two kids I brought along to drink tea with kept bouncing and prancing around me, asking incessantly, “Can we drink tea now? Can we? Are we going to have tea now? Why aren’t we drinking any tea? Why?” and I had to constantly get them to hold their excitement in. I can’t imagine what the rest of the night would be like if we ever tried all 6 sets of tea!

Very excited children who are trying to entertain themselves

Very excited children who are trying to entertain themselves

Thankfully, the good folks from Golin Harris prepared a special non-caffeinated herbal infusion of cranberry, raspberry and strawberry for Ben, Becks and the nursing mother that is me. It was paired with the Chicken Mini Burger, which Ben devoured in minutes because “the sauce is just so yummy”. We all loved the herbal infusion for its fruity flavour and very soothing aroma.

Lipton's Herbal Infusion: Cranberry, Raspberry & Strawberry

Lipton’s Herbal Infusion: Cranberry, Raspberry & Strawberry

Having tea with sweet and savoury treats

Having tea with sweet and savoury treats

Becks: Let me smell the tea! Ben: Let me eat the burger!

Becks: Let me smell the tea!
Ben: Let me eat the burger and macaron!

We also had Canelé’s lemon macarons and classic cheesecake to go with our herbal infusion. I also tried the Russian Earl Grey Tea made with bergamot and sweet blue flowers, paired with Canelé’s Le Chocolat Croustillant, which was a great combination, in my opinion. I’m a sucker for anything dark chocolate, so the distinct aroma of the Earl Grey with this Vanini Cocoa mousse layered cake with crispy chocolate praline was a sweet end to my very tiring day.

We dug into the cheesecake before we remembered to take a picture!

We dug into the cheesecake before we remembered to take a picture!

Oh, the decadence and deliciousness of a dark chocolate praline cake!

Oh, the decadence and deliciousness of a dark chocolate praline cake!

I think Lipton’s pairing with Canelé is such a perfect match because I can definitely appreciate the aroma and flavours of tea much better when it’s taken together with decadent confectionaries. What an indulgent experience this has been. I certainly had a good time having tea (and desserts) with my kids and I’m definitely going to replicate this experience at home. Thank you, Lipton Singapore, for having us at the High Tea Bar!

Savouring a Lipton Moment

Savouring a Lipton Moment

More details:
  • For 6 days only, members of the public can redeem and enjoy a complimentary High Tea set at the Lipton High Tea Bar with a minimum spend of $25 at Plaza Singapura or a purchase of $15 worth of Lipton products at the Bar itself.
  • The 6 Lipton High Tea Sets include: 1. Lipton Yellow Label with Lemon Macarons, 2. Lipton Forest Fruit Tea with Chicken Mini Burger, 3. Lipton Citrus Tea with Traditional Salmon and Cucumber Sandwich, 4. Lipton Asian White Tea with Chestnut Cassis Sponge Cake, 5. Lipton Blue Fruit Tea with Classic Cheesecake, 6. Lipton Russian Earl Grey Tea with Le Chocolat Croustillant
  • The Lipton High Tea Bar is at Plaza Singapura, Main Atrium. Redemption is available daily from 11 am to 8.30pm from 16 to 21 April 2013.
Food, glorious food! Motherkao loves...

Our dinner at Beanstro

March 15, 2013

After one week of being cooped up at home, eating semi-solids and drinking soups for practically every meal, the kids, hubs and I are ready to feast again. We were invited to Beanstro at Ngee Ann City for a food tasting session on Wednesday, and we couldn’t wait to finally go eat something nice.

Beanstro opened a few weeks ago at Ngee Ann City, and is the second casual dining restaurant by The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf®, following its success of its first outlet at Marina Bay Sands. We arrived there at 6.30pm and was greeted by the restaurant manager, Steven, who came and made sure we were seated comfortably. Baby chairs were prepared for Nat and Becks, child-friendly utensils were provided, and warm water was served. Thankfully, we were seated outside the main dining area, and there was ample space to fold and park our twin stroller. I also had the pleasure of sitting next to three food bloggers, whose mouthwatering food trails (SG Food on Foot, Celestial Delish and GNineThree) never fail to amaze me, and had the opportunity to chat with them.


The menu at Beanstro is extensive I was warned by Steven that the portions they serve will be huge. There’s a selection of all-day breakfast, fresh salads, open-faced sandwiches, pastas, mains, dessert and hand-crafted beverages, and we were certainly spoilt for choice. I ordered their Breakfast Platter and roast chicken for the kids, and for starters, fatherkao and I ordered the soup of the day and the Seafood Velvet. Fatherkao also wanted some greens and coffee, so he got the garden salad and a cappuccino as well.

The Breakfast Platter arrived first, and the kids were quite excited to dig into some scrambled eggs. It also came with two grilled chipotle sausages, turkey bacon, mushroom ragout, buttered baguette and marinated cherry tomatoes. The turkey bacon and tomatoes were finished, the mushroom ragout was untouched, and the baguette was quickly chomped down by the baby. Ben said he didn’t like the eggs cos’ they were tasteless, and that he preferred mc-dees anytime. I tried what he had, and well, it was honestly not that impressive. To be fair, I would say it was decent; mc-dees’ scrambled in Big Breakfast tastes more processed. The one at Beanstro is nicely cooked but a little bland.

Breakfast platter

Breakfast platter ($18)

The soups arrived shortly after and the hubs had mushroom soup while I had a creamy seafood soup with scallops, cheese toast and a peach compote. We both found the soups a tad salty for our tastebuds, although I must say the peach compote in my Seafood Velvet was refreshing and reduced the saltiness quite a bit.

Seafood velvet

Seafood Velvet ($9.50)

Mushroom soup

Mushroom soup ($8)

The garden salad came next, and the portion was generous indeed. The salad tasted like, well, a salad, and it was a little odd to have edamame in the bowl.

Garden salad

Garden salad ($10)

The mains arrived after we finished our starters. The kids’ roast chicken that’s marinated in hickory came highly recommended by Steven. He even instructed the chef to separate the Cajun-infused mirepoix (a thick tomato-based sauce that tasted of bell peppers, onions and celery) in case the kids found it spicy. The tender roasted chicken came with sauteed vegetables and fries, which the children were glad to chomp on.

Roast chicken

Roast chicken

The hubs ordered cod fish and it came with sauteed vegetables and mashed potatoes in seafood broth underneath. He loved the freshness and aroma of the pan-seared Chilean cod, although he found the sauteed vegetables really salty.

Cod fish

Cod fish ($26)

My seafood wrapped in cartoccio featured some really fresh lobster skillets, mussels and scallops. I was a little disappointed that the fettuccine was hard and the chilli padi overwhelmed the taste a little.

Seafood wrapped in cartoccio

Seafood wrapped in cartoccio ($26)

Which made me look forward to dessert. Steven recommended that I try the Cherry Clafouti and Bread and Butter Pudding. I ordered the Classic Affogato for fatherkao who loves coffee in his dessert and the Berry d’treasure yogurt swirl for the kids.

Classic affogato & yogurt swirl

Classic affogato ($6.50) & yogurt swirl ($6.50)

And indeed, dessert was the best part of our meal. They were done to perfection – my pudding and clafouti – the sweetness was just nice for me. Both fatherkao and I enjoyed these two best.

Bread and Butter Pudding

Bread and Butter Pudding ($9)

Cherry Clafouti

Cherry Clafouti ($10)

The kids loved their yogurt and slurped it beaming. The affogato wowed the coffee dessert lover too.

Kids loving the yogurt

Happy kids! (priceless)

All in all, there were some hits and misses but Beanstro is great if you’d like a hearty meal, complete with value-for-money tantalising dessert and good coffee. The service is prompt and ever-willing to go the extra mile (more serviettes, more clean plates, more water, oops, dropped the cutlery again – you know what’s it like with kids!) and it’s a good place to chill out after getting some shopping done.

More details:
  • Beanstro Takashimaya is located at 391 Orchard Road #B1-37 Ngee Ann City Singapore 238872. Operating hours: Monday to Sunday 8am to 11pm.

Disclosure: We were invited for a complimentary food tasting session by Beanstro. All opinions here are Motherkao’s own.

Family life as we know it Milestones and growing up Motherkao loves... The Kao Kids

Gong xi gong xi fun!

February 11, 2013

The days of dong dong dong chiang, bak kwa and pineapple tarts are back!

What’s not to love about Chinese New Year? The kids get to pig out, wear new pjs and pretty samfus, and collect red packets.

Kao kids in PJs

Ben & Becks in PJs

Nat & Ben in PJs

This is our first new year with three in the brood. What an awesome time to attend gatherings where free baby sitting is provided and child minders are available to entertain the kids on end.

CNY Kao Family

Happy Lunar New Year! Gong xi gong xi!