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Homelearning fun Learning fun!

Golly good G!

August 12, 2013

It’s been a simple affair with the letter G. We did mostly good ol’ tracing. A lot of tracing and practicing, in fact; cos’ the letter’s been tough to conquer for both the upper and lowercase.

We also drew a giraffe with the Dot to Dot activity sheet for Dear Zoo, and met the most lovable giraffe called Gerald!

Letter G Giraffe Dot to Dot

Giraffes Can’t Dance is an awesome book about Gerald the Giraffe, with rhymes aplenty, examples of alliteration, descriptions of movements and a beautiful lesson about finding your own rhythm to dance to your own tune. The kids also learned the difference between laughing with someone and laughing at someone and the importance of empathy. They love the book so much, they make me read it to them again and again.

Letter G Giraffes Can't Dance

For a counting exercise, I gave Ben and Becks some round labels I bought from Popular Bookstore and got them to arrange a bunch of grapes in descending order, beginning with 6 grapes. They had fun watching the circles “transform” into their favourite fruit. To complete the exercise, Becks learned to count to 20 and Ben learned simple addition.

Letter G Grape Counters

G’s been a golly good letter to learn. We’ll be moving on to the letter S in September, and reading two more exciting books!

Invites & Tryouts Learning fun! Motherkao loves... Nat Kao Reviews

And it’s a wrap at Gymnademics! [+a giveaway]

July 31, 2013

We’ve just completed a term of Gymnademics at their Pre-Fellow class, and it’s been A LOT of fun, fun, fun. Nat and I have learned and played SO MUCH together at every lesson, and for this, we really have Teacher Selene and her assistants to thank.

Every lesson for Nat at his Pre-Fellow class is parent-accompanied, which means both of us get a mental and physical workout! The class is an hour long, and we usually arrive 10 to 15 minutes earlier to get Nat used to the environment. By mid-term, Nat got pretty used to the gym studio and the routine, and even knew where to leave his water bottle!

The Pre-Fellow class (suitable for toddlers 1 to 2 years old) is structured and packed with mental and physical stimulation for the little ones from the get-go. The children engage in as many as 14 activities the whole hour, starting with the Welcome Song, followed by a recap of the previous week’s theme-based lesson. Then it’s the theme of the week, some warm-ups (in the form of song and actions) and then it’s movement time at the gym circuit and swinging on the trapeze.

Our last lesson at Gymnademics coincided with Racial Harmony Day and Nat got to wear ethnic Indon garb! Here he is learning about traditional costumes!

Our last lesson at Gymnademics coincided with Racial Harmony Day and Nat got to wear his hand-me-down ethnic Indonesian garb. Here’s a picture of him learning about traditional costumes!

Nat loves the gym circuit and he covers at least three rounds of it every lesson

Nat loves the gym circuit and covers at least three rounds of it every lesson

Unfortunately, Nat refuses to swing on the trapeze still. But he loves to hang on the monkey bar and so we let him do that instead during the trapeze segment while the rest are swinging.

Nat swinging on the monkey bar. He's not ok with the trapeze but feels perfectly fine swinging from this.

Nat swinging on the monkey bar: He’s not ok with the trapeze but feels perfectly fine swinging from this!

Gymnademics is the only enrichment gym in Singapore affiliated with the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential (IAHP) and its curriculum is based on methods developed by the late Glenn Doman which focuses on a child’s brain development and developing a child holistically. Which means in every lesson, the little tots, young as they are, get to read  flashcards and learn new vocabulary related to the theme of the week. The toddlers also do a fair bit of singing and dancing, and holding percussion instruments – something which Nat enjoys tremendously.

Music, song, action: Enjoying sing-alongs and shaking the macara

Music, song, action: Enjoying sing-alongs, shaking the macara and throwing the beanbag

Other activities also include the fruit relay (which trains the child to run in a straight line), gymnastics (which trains hand-eye coordination and develops their gross motor skills), parachute time (story time based on the theme of the week), Mystery Box (one of my personal favourites because Nat and I get to do some hands-on together) and music appreciation (learning the solfeggio, a technique in music used to teach pitch).

Counting the number of fruits together after the fruit relay

Counting the number of fruits together after the fruit relay

A very focused Nat doing some colouring during th Mystery Box segment

A very focused Nat doing some colouring during the Mystery Box segment

What I particularly like about the classes at Gymnademics is that the entire hour is packed with activities for the little ones and they are never once bored or restless – and that to me is quality time spent learning and exploring! The teachers are an enthusiastic bunch who are so dedicated they would even set up the gym circuit or trapeze for you should you wish to revisit a particular segment with your child. There is a lot of positivity and encouragement going around at every lesson, and this really help to boost the little ones’ confidence.

Gymnademics has been truly fun, engaging and purposeful, and I am mighty glad that Nat got the opportunity to experience that. Thank you, Gymnademics, for the invitation!

*Time for a giveaway!*

Gymnademics is offering three trial passes to three Motherkao readers who wish to experience fun and purposeful play at Gymnademics! To take part in this giveaway, simply leave a comment here to say who you’d like to win this pass for, with your email address. Find out more about their classes for 5 months old to 5 years old here. Giveaway ends 8 August.

P/S: It would be really nice if you could LIKE the Gymnademics Facebook page too!

PP/S: I shared our experiences in an earlier review here and here. We were invited to Gymnademics for a term. All opinions are my own.

Update: AND WE HAVE OUR WINNERS…Congrats to Cheryl, Regina and Debbie! We’ll be in touch shortly!

Gymnademics winners

Becks Kao Enrichment Invites & Tryouts Learning fun! Milestones and growing up

Operation Ballerina

July 26, 2013

I am of the opinion that every little girl needs to learn ballet.

But that’s just what I think cos’ I am one of those unfortunate few who didn’t. Have you seen how clumsy and chor-lor (loosely translated: sorely lacking elegance and poise) I am? And if you haven’t already noticed, I’ve also got two left feet and a back that’s pretty hunched.

I’ve always associated being trained in ballet with helping a girl develop good posture, elegance and composure, which is a great investment for her future. Ballet is a form of dance that relies heavily on physical strength and agility, strong concentration skills, an understanding of music and rhythm and a love for movement. That’s why I am on a quest to get our resident tomboy to LIKE ballet and go for classes.

My little girl turns three this month. Since the day she started sitting up, she’s been sitting like an ah-lian (loosely translated: an unsophisticated Chinese girl). When she started talking, she’s discovered that her vocal chords could be used to shout and holler like a drill master and has been doing that every single day. And oh yes, because she’s growing up with two brothers, she also secretly wishes she was a boy, and actually thinks she will be one when she grows up. Which explains why she hasn’t put on a dress for the whole year, and pees standing up.

I don’t know of any cure for all these except to put her through ballet classes.

So we’ve gone for a couple of trial lessons to get Becks interested in pre-school ballet. When she was two half, we were invited for a trial at KiddieWinkie School House. After the trial, I concluded she was too young (and too sticky) to be learning something so foreign to her, such as tiptoeing and prancing, and so we decided to wait till she’s three to start again.

Just this month, we were invited to the Metropolitan YMCA for their pre-school MY Ballet classes on Saturday mornings. I was thrilled. For her. I think I was even more excited than her. I showed her Youtube vids of ballerinas her age dancing to classical tunes. I even bought the Tyrell Katz ballet bag and tried to interest her with the pretty pictures of ballerinas on it.

Alas, she’s at the stage where she dislikes pink (her favourite colour is now green). She hates princessy things and the only doll she has (a Disney Mulan now looking completely disheveled and more like a slave girl than a princess) has been banished to a corner on the shelf to eat dust.

So what does a desperate mother do to begin Operation Ballerina? She bribes the little girl with vitamin pastilles so she would participate in class.

And this is my little girl trying to participate, after much coaxing and pleading, and two sugar-coated gum drops:

Ballet trial at MYMCA

As you can see, she doesn’t seem very into this ballet thing.

The first two lessons were new and a refreshing change from our usual routine on Saturdays, and so they were still quite fun to Becks. But by the time it got to the third week, she was begging me not to go. She started negotiating for more candies and asking if she could be learning swimming instead.


Gonna have to adopt a wait-and-see approach again, and introduce her to ballet when she’s more ready. I still think she needs to learn it, but perhaps not now.

Till then, thank you, Metropolitan YMCA, for offering Becks a chance to participate in July’s MY Ballet lessons and allowing me to sit in with her too!

*If you’d like to sign your little tot up for MY Ballet at the Metropolitan YMCA, you can email to enquire. Motherkao readers get a 5% discount off term fees!*

Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post or review. Becks was invited to try out pre-school ballet at the Metropolitan YMCA. All opinions in this post are my own.

P/S: Yes, and I do also know she doesn’t need to pick up ballet to learn to be lady-like. Perhaps if she had a role-model who would teach her how to be graceful and gentle, that would pretty much fix some of our problems, yes? Umm, have you seen Becks’ mother? Hurhurhur. 

Ben Kao Homelearning fun Learning fun! Milestones and growing up Re: learning and child training

Learning hiccups at four half: selective memory?

July 23, 2013

Lately, it’s been quite frustrating teaching Ben. He seems unfocused and is having trouble learning how to read. His memory also seems to fail him at times, and all these has gotten me pretty worried.

I’ve always known him to be someone with excellent memory. I mean, are you kidding me? This boy can rattle off the names of the characters in Mike the Knight just by watching one episode, can remember all the promises you made him and which day he gets his privileges. When he was in childcare, he knows everyone’s names in his class (English, Chinese and first names) and is the only in school who could at three years old.

I seriously don’t think he’s got bad memory.

What I think is the problem? Selective memory, methinks, especially when it comes to what he wishes to remember in academic learning.

For example, he can be writing a simple word 15 times in his jotter book and still not be able to spell the word immediately after. Every day, after kindy, when I ask him to tell me one thing he’s learned at school, he would have problems recalling. Sometimes, he would even make it up. But I am his mother, and I know the look in his eyes whenever he’s not telling me the truth. So I’d call his bluff, game’s over, and he would have to try harder to recall at least one thing he’s learned. It’s a brain exercise I make him do every day without fail on the bus. I just don’t get it – he remembers what he had for lunch in school but just can’t tell me ONE thing he’s been taught! Perhaps he wasn’t paying attention in class. Which could also explain why he doesn’t remember.

It gets even more frustrating when I try to get him to read. He’s already learned to blend words using the phonics way and has also learned to read some words by sight. Sight word reading has also been quite frustrating to teach so far. And far too often, when left on his own to read a book, he gives up quickly, closes the book in haste, and declares he doesn’t know how to read it. We’re talking about graded readers here, not some encyclopedic collection explaining the workings of the universe and the properties of matter. Some of these graders have been read and reread to him over months! I know he’s just hoping that when he says ‘I don’t know’ that I’ll read it (again) to him. Which I do. I never passed on an opportunity to read to my children. In fact, I have explored the 50 ways to help a child learn to read! Oh trust me, I have done them most and more!

Just last week, Ben brought a book (a graded reader for his level) home from the school library and we read it together, just like any new book we get our hands on. I taught him the new words in the story (about a family wanting a new dog) and he attempted reading it several times. All was good except that he just couldn’t remember that the boy in the story was called ‘Kipper’. We tried all sorts of ways to make him remember – blending the word, repeating it (almost) a hundred times – in the end, everyone, even Becks knew the boy’s name. Everyone but Ben. Whenever we asked him for the boy’s name, he would say ‘Kim’ or ‘Kimper’. By the third day, I was yelling, “KIPPER!!! HIS NAME IS KIPPER!!!” every time we came to that word.

The new word in the book was ‘Kipper’ but he couldn’t seem to remember it. I think I was more frustrated than he was.

I know it’s all in the training and I am teaching him to have a positive attitude about learning so as to overcome his selective memory. I also try to make learning as fun as possible, but sometimes it’s hard to get by without telling him harshly the importance of being serious and focused. And I definitely need to work harder in my patience department, that’s for sure! If you have any comments on how I can help my child, I’d be glad to hear from you.

Till then, I’m going back to good old simple readers to be read consistently and frequently, and have ordered what I know that has helped thousands of children, me included, all over the world:

Peter&Jane Ladybird Readers

Good ol’ Peter and Jane. He’s going to have to start with Key Words with Peter and Jane, the classical way of learning how to read and write. No more fanciful ‘Kipper’ readers for now.

I am glad to be able to stay home and observe the way my children learn, and discover their strengths and weaknesses. If I were to continue working full-time, these little things would probably go unnoticed. I’m glad for this opportunity (thank you, fatherkao), and am praying for wisdom every day to help the kids learn and realize the fullest of their potential.

Homelearning fun Learning fun!

Yoohoo, it’s the letter Y and Z!

July 22, 2013

Three of the hardest words my two kids have learned so far begin with the letter Y.

Can you believe it that both Ben and Becks had trouble calling a yak, a yak; a yacht, a yacht; and yarn, yarn?

They called a yak a yorn; a yacht – yuck; and a ball of yarn, a ball of yet.

Totally hilarious.

This month, we covered the letter Y. We did our tracers, met some woolly yaks, looked at colourful balls of yarn and pretended to sail in a yacht. That got our tongues twisted pretty much.

Yak and the letter Y

Yarn and the letter Y

For the letter Z, we read and reread Rod Campbell’s Dear Zoo. I managed to get the super huge edition of this well-loved book from the Book Depository for 28 bucks, and the kids enjoyed story time with the book and opening the flaps. The book also amused Nat, who’s now 17 months and always ready for a story.

Dear Zoo_Reading the book

One of the things I am also trying to do as part of our homelearning is to thoroughly exhaust a book by learning as many things as we can from the story, and revisiting it consecutively for at least 3 days to a week. This was something I learned from Chengzhu Mandarin Centre, when Becks attended their holiday programme there last month. With Dear Zoo, I found this set of free printables which included a spot-the-difference activity, a colouring sheet, making a lion mask, a dot-to-dot worksheet and pathways activity sheet. We had lots of fun learning about zoo animals with these activities.

I also made a simple A4 sized “storybook” using powerpoint slides to reinforce the adjectives used to describe each animal that the zoo sent. Becks learnt the beginning sounds of each adjective and animal, while Ben learned how to spell simple words like ‘big’ and ‘tall’, as well as to blend sounds and identify words from the same word family.

Dear Zoo_Activities

We’re moving on to another letter next month, and looking forward to reading another well-loved story about a clumsy giraffe who can’t dance!

Homelearning fun Learning fun!

Mmm..mmm…the Letter M

July 9, 2013

We naturally assume that we should begin with the letter ‘A’ when teaching our kids the letters of the alphabet. I certainly did, and since I stayed home in March, we’ve covered the letters ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E‘ and ‘F’.

In the book, The Art of Teaching Reading, by Lucy McCormick Calkins, she suggests that the easiest letter to learn is the first initial of your child’s first name. She then goes on to recommend teaching the letter ‘M’ next. Her reason? The name of the letter contains its sound, we can stretch out the M sound without necessarily making sounds that don’t belong to that letter; plus, the uppercase and lowercase are almost the same. I learned this whilst reading an e-book titled I Can Teach My Child to Read: A 10-Step Guide for Parents by Jenae Jacobson, who quoted Calkins, when she shared how to introduce simple phonic rules to kids.

So since I’ve already covered the letter ‘B’ with Ben, I skipped several letters of alphabet line and explored the letter M with the kids last month.

Apart from our usual tracers (you can find some free printables for the letter M here, here and here), which they found extremely easy to do, and learning the sound of the letter (as sung by Pig in Word World) by going Mmm..mmm… Milk, we practised our pincer grip with M&M’s

PIncer grip_Letter M

And made lots of music last month with the keyboard and xylophone.

Making music_Letter M

Making music with xylophone_Letter M

I wanted to train the kids to sing in tune so I introduced them to the notes C, D and E. We spent the whole month tuning our pitch and learning to sing the notes accurately whenever we played them on musical instruments. Trust me, this has to be taught and repeated till it becomes second nature for the kids to sing their do-re-mis at the correct pitch. They actually need to be trained to listen closely so they can assign the right musical tones to their relative positions on the scale – in this case, the Middle C, D and E.

And that was all there was for us for the letter M! A pity we had to miss the whole Children’s Season thing at the museums because of the haze, but we’ll definitely revisit this letter at the museums next year!

Becks Kao Enrichment Invites & Tryouts Learning fun! Reviews

Learning fun at Chengzhu Mandarin Centre [Review]

July 5, 2013

If you don’t already know, my children speak little Chinese and the Mandarin they use in speech is so poorly pronounced it sometimes puts me, the student who used to ace Chinese from primary school to JC, to shame. My children think it’s funny to converse in Chinese, although their nurturing Chinese teachers in kindergarten are slowly changing their minds about that.

As for me their mother, I am quite helpless, really. They think Mama’s telling some joke when she uses Mandarin to speak to them.

So I would gladly outsource teaching the Chinese Language to anyone other than me.

During the second week of the June holidays, Becks was invited to attend the Holiday Programme at Chengzhu Mandarin Centre (成竹华语中心). Titled Kaka’s Teeth (卡卡的牙齿), the 5-day programme was designed for preschoolers aged 3 and 4 to immerse them in the world of Kaka, the friendly dinosaur, who helped his animal friends crack open nuts of all sorts with his strong teeth.

Becks was, of course, initially very frightened to be suddenly surrounded by people who spoke in Mandarin in a wholly Chinese environment on the first day. She was initially reluctant to go for class, until she stepped further in and saw this:

Spacious play area

Spacious play area

The school, located at Rochester Mall, is designed so brightly and cheerily to reflect the richness and uniqueness of the Chinese culture. I was awed by the details that were in the classrooms, hallway, walls and even the toilets!

A very bright and cheery learning environment that highlights the richness of the Chinese culture

A very bright and cheery learning environment that highlights the richness of the Chinese culture

Needless to say, my little girl was too happy to embrace their play before work philosophy:

Getting around in her Little Tike before class

Getting around in her Little Tikes before class

When it was time for class, we joined 7 other children (whom we would spend the next 4 days with) and Teacher Zhang Ping to explore the world of Kaka from the story, Kaka’s Teeth.

First lesson

Becks at her first lesson

Over the next few days, we met a squirrel, a monkey and a cat from the story, all needing help from Kaka the Dinosaur. Kaka‘s strong teeth helped them crack open the hard shells of pine nuts, walnuts and the tough husks of coconuts.

Story of Kaka's Teeth

We were also introduced to new words from the story through games, songs, flashcards and experiential learning.

Building vocabulary through flashcards, games and songs

Building vocabulary through flashcards, games and songs

Teacher Zhang Ping even brought food mentioned in the story to class to help the children make meangingful connections and relate to the story. So the kids got to try coconut juice, walnuts, pine nuts, and even tasted bittergourd, chilli sauce and lemon as they were learning words like 味道, 椰子, 核桃, 松子.

Making meaningful connections through tasting!

Making meaningful connections through food tasting!

They were plenty of speech and drama and storytelling bits incorporated within each lesson, which I hear, is Chengzhu’s niche. The teachers are all native speakers who spoke very well and are very experienced with children. Teacher Zhang Ping and her assistants were always engaging the kids with songs, puppets and lots of dramatic play. The kids also looked forward to the hands-on part in each lesson where they would create their own “storybook” of Kaka’s Teeth, by pasting slips of cut-outs that matched the illustrations.

Becks got to make a few pages of her "storybook" by sticking slips of paper to the pictures. The children then ran aloud with the teacher after the "storybook" was done.

Becks got to make a few pages of her “storybook” by sticking slips of paper to the pictures. The children then read aloud with the teacher after each page of the “storybook” was done.

Of course, Teacher Zhang Ping also constantly encouraged parents to help the kids retain what they learned in class by revising what she taught that day. She gave parents a quick briefing before dismissal every day on how to do just that.

Becks had a lot of fun, and actually spoke A LOT of Chinese that week! She remembered the songs, the dramatic play and the phrases that were taught, reinforced and repeated from each day’s lesson. It was great to finally hear accurate pronunciation from her. I am now more convinced than ever that I need to keep using the language with the kids, no matter how odd I sound to them. Persistence, Motherkao! Persistence!

All in all, the 5 days of learning the language was fun (and not funny, like she used to think) for Becks who thoroughly enjoyed “going to school” during the holidays. She now reads her “storybook” with pride and even went home to teach Ben what she’s learnt!

More details:
  • At Chengzhu Mandarin Centre, children and their families can look forward to being immersed in the Chinese language and Chinese culture, as well as holistic, meaningful and long-lasting learning experiences. The centre runs regular Adult Accompanied Programmes, Preschool Programmes and School Years Programmes throughout the year, as well as Holiday Programmes in the month of June and December.
  • Chengzhu Mandarin Centre is located at 35 Rochester Drive, #03-01 Rochester Mall, Singapore 138639 | Tel: (65) 6737 5348

Stay tuned for a giveaway happening in October for the next run of Chengzhu’s Holiday Programmes at the end of the year!

Disclosure: Becks was invited to the Holiday Programme and I was allowed to sit in for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own.

Everyday fun! Going Out! Homelearning fun Learning fun!

Oh, what a month!

June 30, 2013

Ah, June! The month we threw routine out of the window and embraced spontaneity!

We checked out EatPlayLove Café, had a crazy time crafting (more like playing with glue) and making a huge mess…

EatPlayLove Craft Cafe 2

We took the MRT to Lavender and Bus 107 from the bus-stop along ICA for 2 stops. EatPlayLove Cafe is at 28 Aliwal Street, #01-07 Aliwal Arts Centre, Singapore 199918.

EatPlayLove Craft Cafe 3

Blast from the past at EatPlayLove! All the candies and snacks I used to love as a kid!

EatPlayLove Craft Cafe 1

Craft materials were aplenty at the crafting corner: Ben, Becks and Nat got busy with cutting, glueing, threading pasta shells and colouring!

Went to the zoo to say hello to Inuka and spent some time drawing at his new Frozen Tundra enclosure…

Inuka, the first polar bear to be born in the tropics at the Singapore Zoo

Inuka, the first polar bear to be born in the tropics at the Singapore Zoo – oh, how we ♥ this beautiful boy!

Had a happy time at Happy Willow

Getting our indoor playgym fix!

Getting our indoor playgym fix!

Met Barney & Friends

We said hi to Barney, BJ and Baby Bop at City Square Mall

We said hi to Barney, BJ and Baby Bop at City Square Mall

Tried out FoodArt at Nutriville

FoodArt at Nutriville

Nutriville is a social entreprise that is focused on helping the aged in our community. They’ve just started their FoodArt programme for the young which encourages inter-generational bonding, and we were invited to a hands-on session at their pre-opening. More on that on the blog soon!

 Becks also attended her first Chinese Language enrichment at Chengzhu Mandarin Centre (review coming up in July) and finally started speaking some Mandarin.

Becks was invited to the holiday programme at Chengzhu Mandarin Centre from 10 - 14 June

Becks was invited to the holiday programme at Chengzhu Mandarin Centre from 10 – 14 June

We also stayed at the biggest deluxe room we’ve ever seen that gave us the most awesome view of our city skyline…

Staycation at Marina Bay Sands

Staycation at Marina Bay Sands

And checked out the world’s first green library for kids at the National Library

My Tree House at the Central National Library

My Tree House at the Central National Library

We had to stay indoors for a week because of the haze and watched so many episodes of Word World till we lost count, read (and read some more!), played with jigsaw puzzles and coloured on giant colouring sheets…

Reading, playing with jigsaws and colouring

Reading, playing with jigsaws and colouring on giant colouring pages
(Why the giant ones? According to Mama, they can occupy us longer!)

Played with our toys and games like Honey Bees Hive and Snort!

Vroom vroom vroom!

Vroom vroom vroom!

Stuck indoors, but still having fun playing games!

Stuck indoors, but still having fun playing games!

Helped Mama clean the house when we got bored

Little helping hands: much needed when the haze hit to keep house clean

Little helping hands: much needed when the haze hit to keep house clean

And geared up to look this cool when PSI hit 321 to go to the supermarket!

Looking cool this haze season!

Looking cool this haze season!

Now that the skies are clear again, and the month of July is approaching, we’re back to more homelearning and more fun times ahead outdoors. June has been good to us, but July’s gonna be so much better, with ballet and swimming lessons coming up, and a colourful birthday party for a special someone turning three!

Invites & Tryouts Reading fun

Lynn’s Money Adventures [Book review + Giveaway]

June 25, 2013

If you have kids between 7 and 14 years of age, you can teach them about financial literacy and how to manage their money with this book that’s new in stores:


Written by Kelvin Ho, a local author and educator for 10 years, Lynn’s Money Adventures is a guide for tweens and pre-adolescents to help them take charge of their financial future by learning how to manage money in a smart and practical way. This book follows Lynn and her sisters as they explore issues of money and how to manage it. Lynn learns about her own money attitude, how to allocate her allowance wisely so she can buy an iPod Touch, how to be cured of the “common money disease” and what’s the difference between her needs and wants.

At the end of each chapter, there are  tips and activities called Money Workout so your child can relate to the story and develop essential lifeskills to make, spend and save his own money.

The book also comes with online Parents’ Notes which parents can use to explore and further simplify big money concepts for their kids. Kelvin believes that when it comes to teaching financial literacy, the parents’ role of modeling is extremely important. If parents and caregivers are able to inculcate, encourage and reinforce positive mindsets and values about money, they will be equipping their children to make good, informed decisions about their finances.

The book is easy to follow and thoughtfully written for the local context, and is a good way to introduce money sense to the young who are already exposed to and aware of the concept of money, especially if they have their own allowance to manage. A lot of financial literacy books are not pitched at this level and are not contextualised for the Singapore reader, so Kelvin does a good job introducing good money habits and the right money mindset to his target audience.

Lynn’s Money Adventures is available at Popular bookstores and retails at S$15. Visit Kids’ Money Adventures to read a sample chapter, or check out the very informative and educational resources available on the website. (The last I checked, I learned about the history of credit cards and watched a cartoon MTV telling me where money comes from. Economics 101 for me!)

*Giveaway*: I have 3 sets of Lynn’s Money Adventures to give away to 3 readers! Simply leave a comment here with your name and email address by 1 July if you wish to receive a complimentary copy. We’ll be picking 3 winners at random on 2 July.

**UPDATE**: And… EVERYONE’S A WINNER IN THIS GIVEAWAY! Kelvin has kindly agreed to sponsor ALL 17 copies of his book to all of you who commented! Thank you for participating and hope this book would help guide your kids along as they learn how to manage money!

Disclosure: I received the book from Kelvin Ho and interviewed him for the purpose of this review. All opinions are Motherkao’s own.

Learning fun! Reviews

Learning fun at Gymnademics – a mid term update

May 23, 2013

We’ve been attending Gymnademics for half a term now, and Nat has never been happier. At 15 months, my littlest baby is starting to babble a lot, and responding to routines. He looks forward to the fun to be had in his Pre-Fellow class every week, and I too, look forward to Friday evenings to join him in his learning, and sharing some special ‘Nat and Mama’ moments – just me and him, without the older kids.

Saying 'cheese' before class

Saying ‘cheese’ before class

After attending just five lessons, I watched how quickly Nat catches on to things taught by routine and repetition. For one, he is able to respond to the ‘Welcome Song by raising his hand and pointing to himself when we sing, “Nathanael, Nathanael, are you here?” He’s also learned the actions for the ‘Hip Hip Hooray’ part in the goodbye song, and which parts of his body to touch when we sing solfège – do (we touch our knees), re (we touch our tummies), mi (we touch our heads) – and I must say I’m pretty impressed at how much my boy absorbs and the speed he’s learning things.

The goodbye song goes, 'Hey hey hey, we learned something new today. Hip hip hooray, we learned something new today' and here's Nat jumping for the 'hip hip hooray'.

The goodbye song goes, ‘Hey hey hey, we learned something new today. Hip hip hooray, we learned something new today’ and here’s Nat jumping for the ‘hip hip hooray’.

This little one has also indicated quite clearly what activities he enjoys and what he doesn’t fancy. He loves sitting on my lap to look at the flashcards Teacher Selene shows in class. Since we started, we’ve learned a whole range of really cool stuff, from food types and food preparation methods to science concepts like magnetism and gravity. We’ve also looked at flashcards of birds of prey and all kinds of butterflies and moths. The last lesson, we met the Queen Alexandra Birdwing, the largest butterfly in the world. Bet you found that impressive, eh? Ok, I have to admit, I was impressed myself. I didn’t know that I didn’t know until I attended Gymnademics!

So this is the largest butterfly in the world...

So this is the largest butterfly in the world…

Other activities that he loves? Balancing on a beam (and doing it very well!), the ‘Mystery box’, watching Teacher Selene teach him the actions to a new song, and oh yes, the water break!

Balancing on the beam

Balancing on the beam

Learning actions to a new song!

Learning actions to a new song!

Mystery Box - a secret revealed! (The activities are usually theme-related.)

Mystery Box – a secret revealed! (The activities are usually theme-related.)

Nat finds his bottle and gets his well-deserved water break

Nat finds his bottle and gets his well-deserved water break

So what does he not fancy? Swinging on the trapeze. He hears the music leading to the activity and starts clinging on to me and shaking his head vigorously. He’s not even willing to hi-five the trapeze bar when it’s his turn. I don’t get this part, actually. For someone who has no sense of fear at the playground, I can’t believe that I’m seeing an intensely petrified face even before he swings.

Spot the koala!

Spot the koala!

We’re going to have work on that one for the remaining weeks of the term. The reason why swinging on a trapeze is included in every lesson is because hanging from a bar increases a child’s lung capacity, which in turns allows the child to take in more oxygen, and more oxygen to the brain is always good for a child who’s constantly learning. Swinging from a bar also strengthens his grip, which is a necessary motor skill, especially for writing later on. See those children on monkey bars? These are going to be smart kids, I tell you.

Let’s hope by the end of the term, my little koala can become a confident little gibbon.

Disclosure: Nat and I were invited to attend the Pre-Fellow Class at Gymnademics for review purposes. I shared previously about our experience in a review here.  All opinions in this post are Motherkao’s own.