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The darndest kid quotes and antics

Milestones and growing up The darndest kid quotes and antics

Little Miss B

April 30, 2012

Just like that, overnight, my darling Becks has acquired the amazing ability to speak in complete sentences. Where once upon a time she was just saying two-word phrases (I want, don’t want, berries, poo-poo), she can now bark orders complete with the signature close-eyes-for-two-seconds-to-tell-you-I-mean-business look.

Crayons and sharing

Becks: I want to draw

Ben: I also want to draw (proceeds to take crayons)

Becks: (snatches crayons from Ben) Mei mei want to draw!

Me: (Ben whining in the background) Hey, hey, hey, share the crayons, please.

Ben: Mei mei share with me…

Becks: (still holding the crayons) No, kor kor SHARE! (runs away with crayons)


Don’t do that again

Becks: (having just spilt soup on the coffee table while prancing around) You don’t do that!

Me: Aunty cleans up the mess. She should tell you ‘don’t do that’…

Becks: Aunty, DON’T DO THAT AGAIN! Mei mei angry!


Unfinished business

Me: (Becks walks in while I’m expressing milk) Yes?

Becks: Mama, what are you doing?

Me: Expressing milk for di di

Becks: Are you done??
