The Kao Kids Thunderstorm days What to Expect... As a Mother

The day has already ended for me

April 29, 2014



It’s 9 am that I’m writing this and the day has already gone downhill. I am angry and exasperated. My blood’s reached boiling point and I am so ready to call it a day, curl up in bed and wake up the next morning.

So I thought I should start waking up consistently earlier a few days a week to get some work done. I’ve been following this blog and getting inspired to make some small changes in my life. I’ve been waking up with the kids (I sleep with them in their room) or sometimes later than them (if I stayed up to catch up on Running Man which I am currently addicted to) ever since Fatherkao started making the huge sacrifice of taking public transport and letting me sleep in instead of having me send him to work. I used to wake up at 6.30am to send him to work and every time I did that, the kids would also be up by 7 am bawling their eyes out. Don’t ask me why. It’s probably because they can’t find their mother and can’t go back to sleep without her. But if I slept till 9 am with them, they would usually all wake up fresh, happy and contented.

Waking up together with them has guaranteed me well-settled kids for the good part of the morning, except that now that I work from home, I’ve essentially gotten zero work done on most days. I try to stay up to do my planning and writing but I usually get so exhausted I just want to tune out, watch something on my iPad to wind down and go to sleep. It’s been a real challenge trying to find time to work while being constantly there for the kids and sometimes this becomes impossible.

Like today.

I got up at 7, saw that everyone in the room was sound asleep and crept stealthily out of bed to shower and get ready. There was editing to do, programme write-ups to think about and blog posts to plan for and I am all ready to lock myself in the study for an hour of productive work.

Then I got out of the shower and saw the little girl sprawled in front of me, awake but groggy and wanting all my attention. She whined and refused to get on with the routine for brushing teeth and having breakfast. Worse still, Nat also sensed the mom absence in the room and woke up upset and clingy. They both hung around the study, threw crayons and colour pencils (and whined some more while at that) and started squabbling. The new helper was completely helpless and totally incompetent in handling children (more on her soon in another post) and had no ability whatsoever to get the kids to listen to her.

Recipe for an explosive outburst from me there, I say.

At the breakfast table which I made everyone sit, they were making faces at the bread I bought from Crystal Jade last night and whining non stop for me. I tried two rounds of calm, patient talking and told the kids that they needed to eat and I would need to get some work done but MORE whining ensued, complete with legs kicking, chairs falling and hissy fits. Before I knew it, I morphed into my monster self, screamed at Nat and Becks for their poor behaviour and the maid for just sitting there not being able to handle the situation.

I only needed one hour. One hour to be productive. And it can’t even happen.

And then Ben woke up from all this commotion and things started happening on an even bigger scale. So after Mom’s outburst they were all suddenly cooperative and eating their breakfast and then decided that they wanted to play together. For a total of 5 minutes before the eldest started to complain about everyone else, namely his sister for eating into his space and his brother for throwing things and then more fighting ensued as they started to snatch toys and push one another. Now I have three kids fully awake, giving each other dagger stares and exasperating me to the point I want to scream in their faces and tell them all to go back to bed.

I only needed one hour. One hour to be productive. And it can’t even happen.

It’s extremely annoying that these kids can’t continue to sleep without the mother presence. It’s even more annoying that they can’t seem to share and play together peacefully and happily ever after. In days like these, I often question if I’ve gone all wrong with the way I parent them; if I made the wrong decision to have more than one kid (one kid = nobody to fight with = peace in the house); if I made the wrong move to do three kids back to back; if I had done the stupidest thing to co-sleep; if I had pursued the wrong cause of wanting to start something of my own; if they are like this because I stayed home.

I only needed one hour. One hour to be productive. And it can’t even happen.

And I’m the one all ready to bawl my eyes out now.

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What about you? Do you have days like these? Misery loves company, so hit the comment button and share your misery with me!

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  • Reply Lionel May 1, 2014 at 12:50 AM

    I totally get what you mean even though I’m the furthest thing away from being a mother ;). Some days, I wake up with the best of intentions but life just throws a curveball at me and I just can’t get any work done.

    Thanks for following my blog and hope you find it useful!

    • Reply MotherKao May 2, 2014 at 12:06 AM

      Hi Lionel, awesome blog you have there, and I really like what you’re doing dishing up new perspectives every time. I’m so inspired to get at least 1 hour of productive work a day I’m going to keep trying to make that happen! At least 3 days a week!

  • Reply Mags April 30, 2014 at 5:47 AM

    You are certainly not alone. Kids know how to press our buttons and they can sense when we are stress. They seem to take on that tension themselves and who knows why. I mean seriously, they have no reason to be stress or upset because we are there with them.

    I agree with Mummy Ed. The TV is my friend too. I “dish it out” sparingly so it is a real treat. If I want to get something done, I put on a kids’ movie on the telly for my twins. Miraculously, it works 99% of the time.

    Seriously, you are doing such an amazing job as a working SAHM. The multitude of roles you have taken on is by no mean feat. Putting your family first is always at the forefront of your mind.

    Children are like chameleons and they sure know how to keep us on our toes!

    Your day can only get better 🙂

    • Reply MotherKao May 2, 2014 at 12:09 AM

      Thanks for your encouraging words, Mags. This SAHM stint, on bad days, is really, really tough! But you’re right, it can only get better. One can only hope! 🙂

  • Reply Lydia April 29, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    Maybe you can try the reward and punishment method… For example, you ask them to be on their best behaviour (maybe giving them something to do which they will need to complete in 1 hour) and when the 1 hour is up, you will go and check on them. for those who completed what you asked them to do, they get reward (like stickers) and they accumulate for 1 week and they get their reward (something that they like to do or eat) and if they do not complete then they dont get any reward, instead they get more work..

    You may try and see if it works.. haha… i know how hard it is although i have no kids.. Cos i have much younger siblings so i used this method and this works. hope it works for you too…

    • Reply MotherKao May 2, 2014 at 12:12 AM

      Hi Lydia, I feel that the reward and punishment method may be more suitable for a school / classroom / with teacher setting and more for older kids. It’s impossible to explain this to my 2 yo, and when the older kids see that it doesn’t apply to the 2 yo, they start crying foul. Thanks for offering tips, anyway!

      I’m really pleasantly surprised that a “non-mom” reads my blog. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  • Reply Florence April 29, 2014 at 10:23 AM

    This too shall pass Liz! Hope you get your hour soon. It’s true that with one kid there isn’t another sibling to fight with… BUT that also means that that kid doesn’t have another sibling to distract her or play with. She also gets lonely and becomes very possessive of her parents’ attention. So, bottom line is – parenthood is challenging and we can’t do it without leaning on His strength to carry us through!

    • Reply MotherKao May 2, 2014 at 12:13 AM

      Agree totally, Flo. I need God every day to see me through all these challenges. Thanks for your encouraging words, dear!

  • Reply Dorothea April 29, 2014 at 9:50 AM

    I don’t have three kids, but two boys are enough to drive me up the wall some days!! Have definitely had days/nights like this 🙁 It’s SOOO frustrating, and I also scream at them when I’m exasperated beyond my boiling point. If it helps, from my experience this kind of thing doesn’t happen two days in a row. Big hugs to you!!

    • Reply MotherKao May 2, 2014 at 12:14 AM

      They don’t happen two days in a row in your household, Dorothea? How blessed you are. Mine happens every day without fail – just in varying intensity! Ugh. 🙁

  • Reply Mummy Ed April 29, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    Kids have an ESP sixth sense kind of thing on whether you’re around or not, right?! It’s ridiculous! And I think it is an impossible feat to get *any* work done with small kids around. Even if you have the TV on.

    • Reply MotherKao May 2, 2014 at 12:15 AM

      You don’t say, Mummy Ed. My kids can sense the mom presence or the lack of it in a matter of seconds. Yea, and even with the TV on, the littlest still comes and hugs your legs when you’re doing chores. SIGH.

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